Friday, 31 March 2023
You Are Called to be A Sign From God : 40 Days Celebrating Mums Choosing Life Day 38
Thursday, 30 March 2023
40 Days Celebrating Mums Choosing Life Day 37
Appeal to help us continue our life saving work.
I'm very grateful that we don't often need to make an extremely urgent appeal for funds. But today is one of those occasions.
We are able to make and plan
for the foreseeable, but so often in the lives of the women that we help the
unforeseeable presents itself.
A good example of this is "Lydia"
who spoke at the Brixton 40 Days for Life half-way event. She told us, “I
went to Brixton abortion clinic for a consultation and they thought I was only
carrying one baby when I arrived. They gave me a scan and told me there was
more than one heartbeat. I was totally shocked. They told me they thought it
was twins and I thought straight away at that moment I cannot go ahead with an
abortion. They said they could not proceed because I could sue them because I
was not mentally prepared to abort more than one baby so I had to have time to
think about it and return for the abortion at a later date but I had already
made up my mind that I was not going to return. I went for my first antenatal
scan at the hospital and they told me that I was expecting quadruplets. I
nearly collapsed. I was very shocked.” [You can read the rest of Lydia's talk
At the moment our funds are as
low as they have been for at least the last 5 years. There are more than 20
women that we are currently providing ongoing help and assistance to, as well
as many others who we provide a range of support to. This week we have given
out almost £500 worth of food vouchers to women who have no recourse to
public funds. But we do not have the money to be able to do this or
anything like it next week.
It is Lent, a time of almsgiving, a time when Catholics are asked not just to
fast and abstain, but to use the money saved to help those in need. I would ask
you therefore at this time to please make a donation towards our work, so that
we can continue to help these mothers and their babies, who don't qualify help
You can donate here or donate
through our Just-Giving appeal [Justgiving has started to ask for an extra bit of money to fund their website etc, but you can change the amount that they suggest to as low as zero] and we are now able to
take donations over the telephone 020 7723 1740.
Please join us for 9 days in saying this prayer to St Philomena, for help with our financial situation.
VIRGIN and glorious martyr, St. Philomena, who works so many miracles on behalf
of the poor and sorrowing, have pity on me. Thou knowest the multitude and
diversity of my needs. Behold me at thy feet, full of misery, but full of
hope. I entreat thy charity, O great Saint! Graciously hear me and obtain
from God a favourable answer to the request which I now humbly lay before thee,
that Good Counsel will raise the funds they need and that as many lives as
possible will be saved through their work, [& add your own petitions.]
I am firmly convinced that through thy merits, through the scorn, the
sufferings and the death thou didst endure, united to the merits of the Passion
and death of Jesus, thy Spouse, I shall obtain what I ask of thee, and in the
joy of my heart I will bless God, who is admirable in His Saints. Amen
Wednesday, 29 March 2023
Women Choose Life Because YOU Help Us Support Them: 40 Days Celebrating Mums Choosing Life Day 36
Tuesday, 28 March 2023
God's Amazing Grace: 40 Days Celebrating Mums Choosing Life Day 35
Monday, 27 March 2023
The Simplest Stories Are the Best: 40 Days Celebrating Mums Choosing Life Day 34
As you can see, we see a wide range of mums and situations. Sometimes very complex situations.
Sunday, 26 March 2023
Keep Calm and Buy Me A House: 40 Days of Celebrating Mums Choosing Life Day 33
Dawn, a young Latin American mum demanded that we buy her a house. She had her abortion booked for the following day. She was 23 weeks and a few days. Tomorrow, she said, was her last chance to get an abortion.
No, we couldn't buy her a house! While we commit to keeping a roof over a mum (and her children)'s heads, we cannot stretch to buying everyone a house!
It felt a bit like blackmail: buy me a house or I have the abortion. But we had to see deeper and acknowledge that her demand was made from a place of a thousand fears and a hundred sleepless nights. We shared information on the development of her baby, on how abortion is done, on the real help we offer.
She went away to think about it. We prayed.
Not only did she keep her baby, but in the years to come she bought her own home and eventually offered rooms to us to help other women and help for them to get work.
Sometimes in this job it's really all God's work.
You can donate to help us support mums like Dawn here or here.
Saturday, 25 March 2023
On Lady Day: 40 Days of Celebrating Mums Choosing Life Day 32
Anna-Louisa came to see us a few months ago thinking abortion was her only option because her husband had abandoned her in the UK. She only had permission to stay here as his dependant and now she was pregnant, about to be homeless, without food and money.
When we offered support her relief was palpable.
Thanks to the hard work of our Support for Mothers team - Yvonne and Michelle - Anna Louise is now housed and receiving support, and she knows if anything goes wrong she can turn to us for help.
At the end of her counselling session she turned to me and asked "Is there anywhere I can get a brown scapular?" Oh yes, indeed we did! And then "Where can I go to spend a day in pilgrimage at a Marian Shrine?".
We were happy to help there too.
Those are my kind of questions!
Please pray for Anna-Louisa and her baby.
You can donate to help us support mums like Anna-Louisa here or here.
Why do MPs want Catholics arrested for praying silently?
Why do MPs want Catholics arrested for praying silently outside abortion centres?
Most MPs who voted for this extraordinary piece of legislation have done so because they believe the propaganda of the abortionists "Back Off!" campaign. This campaign supported by most of the mainstream Media, both in print and broadcast, has given a very negative false impression of Pro-Life vigils and MPs believing these lies have voted, in large numbers to ban our charitable work. In fact more Conservative MPs voted for the Labour amendment to the Public Order Bill, -which introduces a national buffer zone - than voted against it. Labour MPs who are worried about other aspects of the Public Order Bill have put these worries to one side and voted for it anyway to ensure that our vigils are banned! This unity amongst MPs from opposing parties is most striking and reminds me of a part in The Lord of the Rings, where Frodo and Sam, having entered Mordor, hear two orcs arguing and fighting amongst themselves. Sam says to Frodo that if we just left our enemies to themselves they would kill each other off. But Frodo points out, that had the Orcs discovered the two Hobbits they would have put their squabbling to one side and would have had a united determination to kill them, to destroy what is good in this world. I can only look at Conservative, Labour, Plaid Cymru, SNP and Liberal Democrat MPs and see those two orcs squabbling, until they were united in their attempt to destroy what is good. We are the Hobbits.
But I'm sad to say that some politicians are so blinded by their hate for the
good and charitable works that we do that they are prepared to lie or can no
longer see the truth when it is there for them to see. Before the first buffer
zone was introduced by Ealing Council one of the councillors came to the
abortion centre in Mattock Lane to witness for herself the terrible
horrendous demonstrations being carried out there by Pro-Lifers. When
she arrived on the scene she turned to a woman standing in the street and asked
her politely, if she knew where the Pro-Life demonstration was, the woman told
her that she and the one other person standing there were the pro-life vigil.
The counsellor had not even noticed them because they had such a peaceful,
prayerful presence. Then back in the council chamber she was able to tell the other
councillors that she herself had been to witness the pro-life vigil and was
terrified and she could only imagine what it would be like for a pregnant woman
going to the centre for an abortion!
Fortunately, it is not for me to judge which politicians voted for this ban in
good faith and which did not, I will leave that to God.
We know that evil likes to work in darkness and in
hiding, and the abortion providers do not really want people to see anything
that they do. If you look at the Good Counsel Network’s blog post for Friday
the 22nd of March 2013 you will see that we were in the middle of a 40 Days for
Life campaign outside the abortion centre in Ealing. Five ambulances came
there in just a month. Safe, Legal Abortion?
Abortion Providers are always striving to portray Pro-lifers as liars,
especially when we talk about the risks of abortion. marie stopes
International, that bastion of honesty and integrity, takes it upon themselves
to take our leaflets from women as they enter their centres.
Yet, as the many ambulances called to Marie abortion centres show, abortion is
far from the safe, simple procedure with no after-affects that these groups
pretend it is. Since BPAS and marie stopes deny almost every complication of
abortion, it is hard to believe that the women who were taken away in these
ambulances were forewarned that this was a possible outcome.
Many times, our volunteers have helped sick and faint girls to their feet
outside the abortion centre when they were vomiting or bleeding heavily and
struggling with pain as they came out after their abortions.
There were 29 women who kept their babies during that 40 Days for Life campaign
from just the vigils at Whitfield Street and Ealing.
As always, we ensured that any women entering the abortion centre were NOT
captured in any of the pictures taken. However the abortion centre would rather
that we were not there, as thousands of people were made aware of the number of
ambulances arriving at this abortion centre. Moving us 150 yards away at some
abortion centres would mean that we would be incapable of seeing any ambulances
arriving or leaving and that the fiction that abortion is safe will be allowed
to continue.
For years we have had listen to lies from the media, politicians and abortion
providers claiming that Pro-Lifers film clients going into abortion centres.
Just last week we had Rupa Huq MP, claiming in Parliament that we live-stream
from outside abortion centres. The Guardian have repeated all those claims time
and time again. Yet no images of women entering or leaving abortion centres
which have been taken by pro-lifers have ever appeared on social media or in
the public domain. This is because pro-lifers DON'T photograph or film women
entering abortion centres. We are there to offer help to pregnant Mums, it is
unlikely that the hundreds of women that stop to talk to us would do so if we
were filming.
Back in 2017, the Guardian, who claim to be supporting women, published a photo of two women leaving the abortion centre in Ealing. A 'pro-choice feminist' group calling itself Sister Supporter have also put up an image of another women attending this abortion centre. The Guardian only removed their photo after complaints from dozens of Pro-Lifers.
So once again it is clear that the Pro-Lifers are there to help and respect women and the abortion campaigners are not.
Before the first buffer zone came in, in Ealing we reported 2,674 reasons why BPAS and Marie Stopes need buffer zones. 2,257 less abortions in Ealing and Twickenham Abortion Centres during 2016 than in 2015. As well as abortions in Birmingham having dropped by 417.
Making a total reduction of 2,674 abortions, just from these 3 abortion centres.
And it's still true to say:
Wherever there is a full-time prayerful presence at an abortion centre, with real help available, abortion figures drop. This is why abortion providers like Marie Stopes and BPAS want buffer zones
According to department of health statistics,
Marie Stopes Ealing performed 7,459 of abortions in 2015
Marie Stopes Ealing performed 6,484 abortions in 2016
That's a drop of 13%
BPAS Twickenham performed 7,325 abortions in 2015
BPAS Twickenham performed 6043 abortions 2016.
That's a drop of 17.5%
Every life is infinitely precious. Don't let them make us back off! Allow women real options!
Anyone in business can tell you that a drop of between 13 and 17.5% in your income could easily see a company go out of business.
For many years pro-lifers had spent a couple of hours on Saturday mornings praying outside abortion centres across this country. In September 2010 40 Days for Life started in London, outside Marie Stopes abortion centre in Whitfield Street. Pro-lifers were now there 12 hours a day 7-days a week, we were shining a light in the darkness. After this daily prayer vigils were taken up by the Good Counsel Network. 40 Days for Life campaigns spread across London and across the country. Hundreds of pro-lifers were spending thousands of hours outside abortion centres. The number of abortions were dropping, the number of women receiving help was increasing all of this shows the logical reasons why the pro-abortion lobby wanted to ban us. But now we come on to the spiritual side of things.
Many of the women who changed their minds on the doorsteps of an abortion centre have told us that they had prayed for a sign from God and arriving at the abortion centre to find a small group of people, sometimes only one or two, praying, they took to be their sign from God. One mother who kept her baby had told God, having just been to Church on her way to the abortion centre, that she needed a sign and if it was not a big sign she would not be sure that it was a sign from Him and that she would not accept it. She arrived at Bedford Square abortion centre in London and found twenty Pro-Lifers praying there with a Priest and Bishop Bernard Longley, now Archbishop of Birmingham. She recognised that the Bishop’s presence was her sign and kept her baby.
The fact that silent prayer by one individual outside an abortion centre, prayer in their own mind is going to be made illegal is a clear sign that this battle is spiritual. There is no practical reason why the MPs would vote to ban silent prayer by one person within 150 metres of an abortion centre. The proof of this is quite simple, step out of your front door walk 149 metres without turning back to look at your front door say quietly in your head 'God please let abortion end' and then look back to your door, see how far away you are. Anybody going into your front door would not know you were standing 149 yards away praying. There is no practical reason to ban prayer, the only reason to ban such prayer there, is because abortion providers and their supporters know better than we know it, that it is effective. How consciously or subconsciously the abortionists and their friends are aware of this I do not know, but I know that this is a spiritual battle.
The battle for respect for life from conception continues in the UK. Once again we have to find new ways to move forward. and we are working on that, but in the meanwhile, we cannot and do not accept a ban on silent prayer and offers of help. We need to stand up and fight this with all our might. We also need to actually attend the existing vigils while its legal to do so. No buffer zone is more effective than apathy and fear keeping us away from vigils. Please come to the peaceful pro-life vigils while it is still legal to do so. Please come to Brixton 40 Days for Life between now and 2nd April.
Sign up to support our work and you can help to save lives today.
Note; It was only after giving this talk on 16th March, that I noticed the Tweet pictured below, and thus found that I had quoted a part of The Lord of the Rings on the anniversary of that event taking place, as this Twitter account posts things on the dates that they took place!
Friday, 24 March 2023
Monica's Tears: 40 Days Celebrating Mums Choosing Life Day 31
Monica came to us as a young woman who really wanted to keep her baby. She was quite strong in her faith but had fallen into a relationship she didn't really agree with. Her boyfriend said it was the wrong time. Her family said "Get rid of it or you will be homeless." At some point, Monica gave in and had the abortion. Immediately afterwards she sank into deep despair and regret.
Feeling that bad didn't give her much confidence to get out of her relationship, so life continued to be more depressing. Exactly a year to the day after her abortion, Monica found out she was pregnant again. After all the tears she had shed, she was NEVER going to have an abortion again. So she told her family and her boyfriend she was keeping the baby.
Her boyfriend produced an article from the Daily Mirror saying it cost £100,000 to raise a child. And £5000 of that was for "Nursery Furniture and toys". Monica thought this was ridiculous and asked him "Where are we going to keep £5000 worth of toys? In the 'West Wing' of our mansion?" Meanwhile she noticed he didn't mind saving up money for leather car seat covers, something that particularly rankled when she was being pressured to abort.
A similar scaremongering article to the one Monica saw
The mother of St Augustine, St Monica, saved her son by her prayers and tears. And our Monica repented of her abortion with prayer and her tears. Monica's tears saved her from making the same mistake again. She had her baby, a boy, who was loved by her family and the baby's father realised he wanted to be involved in his life. Monica also returned to practising her faith and living it.
You can donate to help us support mothers like Monica here or here.
Thursday, 23 March 2023
The Apple of My Eye: 40 Days of Celebrating Mums Choosing Life Day 30
A young woman called Tessa met us outside. the BPAS abortion centre in Bedford Square (now mercifully closed). She came from a war torn country and had had three previous abortions when we met her. She took one look at the pictures of the developing baby on our help leaflet - simple line drawings - and collapsed in tears."If only I knew how developed the baby was, I would never have aborted in the past." she said.
The images from our Leaflet
With help - she needed housing, specialist counselling and ongoing financial support - Tessa kept her baby, a daughter. She said she was the apple of her eye.
You can donate to help us support mums like Tessa here or here.
Wednesday, 22 March 2023
From Beneficiary to Donor: 40 Days of Celebrating Mums Choosing Life Day 29
Natalie got in touch with Good Counsel many years ago. She wanted an abortion as soon as possible. I picked up her message on the answerphone, and tried to call her back but couldn't get through. We missed each other's calls for two whole weeks and just when I thought we would never get to speak, and that Natalie would probably just have the abortion, she called me.
She came to our Centre, told us about her situation -she and her boyfriend just were not sure where there relationship was going or if they were ready for a baby. We explained what we do and the support we could offer.
Natalie brought her boyfriend to see us. They discussed their fears and worries and then we showed them how developed their baby was and what abortion would involve at the stage of pregnancy she was at. They both felt that abortion was a much bigger deal than they had thought. This helped them. to think through their relationship and decide to make a firm commitment to each other and their baby. We offered them help and they decided to get married and. keep their child.
They moved ahead, got married, and happily had their little girl. They did not request help in the end, because once they started working together to. keep their baby, they found that they did not need help.
A couple of years later, while doing a Church Collection, we bumped into Natalie, her husband and daughter. They had one of our collection boxes. at home on their mantlepiece and brought it with them to contribute the contents to our appeal. In 2 years they had gone from fearing they couldn't cope with the baby she was carrying, and asking for our help to financially supporting Good Counsel so we could help other mums-to-be.
With prayer, the worst situations can be filled with God's grace and completely turned around. We just need to walk alongside expectant Mothers, supporting them as well we can, until things do turn around and get better. That's what Good Counsel is all about!
Please be like this couple, and donate to support our life saving work. You can donate here or here.
Tuesday, 21 March 2023
The Benefit of the Doubt - A New Year's Eve to Remember: 40 Days of Celebrating Mums Choosing Life Day 28
When Good Counsel was only a few months old, we were open on our first New Year's Eve. A young couple came in, saying they were set on abortion and wanted to talk through just one last time before going ahead.
We spoke with the young woman first, and got a completely different picture. She was a career minded young woman, from well off background, but not so well off now she was starting off her own independent life.
Her boyfriend was a man from a poor, working class family. He was very chatty and friendly but also very anxious, especially about the baby.
Ultimately, they felt that if they had the baby, it would be a struggle financially to afford a place to live and raise the child. She felt very willing to engage in the struggle - and if she couldn't afford it, realised she might need to accept some benefits for a short while until she could resume her career. She had been paying her taxes for awhile and felt that having to claim a little help with rent would not be the worst thing that could happen to her.
Her boyfriend, however, had grown up on benefits. He had worked hard to get out of that life and thought the most humiliating thing for his child would be to be born into a family on benefits.
The woman asked to see the developmental stage her baby was at, so we showed her some accurate images from medical textbooks. She cried out as if in terrible pain when she saw the images of a baby at 8 weeks. Her cry brought her boyfriend - well over 6 foot and a very tough looking character- running to her defence. But when he came in and saw her looking at these images, he turned to us and laughed, "I've lost, haven't I?". His girlfriend answered him "Yes, you have lost. I can't do it!"
They. walked off together hand in hand. I couldn't help but feel, from what they had told me, that if they put their minds together, their baby would be born into family that managed to avoid poverty, and maybe even managed without temporary recourse to help from the state.
In any case, better to be born into family on benefit than not to be born at all!
Help us to be there for families like this one. Every donation really does make a difference.
Monday, 20 March 2023
Nagged into Giving Up A Precious Child, But God Had Another Plan! 40 Days of Celebrating Mums Choosing Life Day 27
Isabel wanted to keep her baby. Her much older boyfriend who already had children from a previous relationship didn't. He put so much pressure on her that she rang her mum and told her about the pregnancy, hoping for support, instead, her mum said "If he doesn't want the baby, you will be alone in London with no help. I think you should have the abortion."

Sunday, 19 March 2023
The Best Laid Plans of Mums & Men: 40 Days of Celebrating Mums Choosing Life Day 26
Saturday, 18 March 2023
A Wrong Number that was Right & Some Other God-incidences: 40 Days of Celebrating Mums Choosing Life Day 25
Tina came to see us with her boyfriend. She wanted the abortion, he didn't. After he left the room she told us that she suspected him of being unfaithful. He, meanwhile, told us he suspected her of being unfaithful to him. He wanted them to sort out their difficulties and move forward keeping the baby. She, separately, began to change her mind on abortion and said she also wanted to keep her baby. After they left our centre, they carried on arguing and he had to go back to college in the North of England. Meanwhile, Tina's sister, who hated Tina's boyfriend, David, kept phoning her and telling her to get rid of the baby and not end up tied to David.
A week passed and Tina suddenly texted us one evening. Tina had somehow mixed up our number with that of an abortion provider. She said she wanted to book an abortion. I called her and explained to her who we she had contacted, she was astounded to have texted us when she thought it was the abortion centre, and she agreed to come back and talk again before having the abortion.
We met again and spoke and we spoke several more times on the phone afterwards. On one occasion she popped in to talk to us in person. Meanwhile David popped in to see us too - on his way from York to pay her a surprise visit. She was amazed that his visit to us should have coincided with hers which she hadn't told him about. She began to see God's hand in all this.
At one point she told me that her mum would never accept the baby. I asked would she like me to speak to her mum. She said yes, then no, then yes again - struggling to find the courage to let her mum, back home in Ghana, be told about her baby. Finally she said "Yes please tell. her", but then backed out and gave me her sister's number instead of her mum's. She said "Let her tell you why I shouldn't have David's baby. She hates him." But somehow, when I rang her sister I got through to her mum who was visiting her sister at that moment. Her mum explained who she was and was totally stunned by what I had revealed (since I had been thinking I was talking to Tina's sister). Now that her mum knew, I gently explained the whole situation, and although she was worried about her daughter, alone and pregnant in London, she said "I must help her to keep the baby!"
That was the end of Tina considering abortion. Once Tina knew her mum - and dad - were going to accept her baby, she opened up to accept the baby herself. David supported her through the pregnancy and they managed to leave their past mistakes in the past. When the baby was born, Tina phoned us immediately after she gave birth to thank us all from the heart.
Thank God for wrong numbers, and mysterious interventions.
You can help mothers like Tina and fathers like David and their children, by supporting our work with a donation and with your prayers.
Friday, 17 March 2023
Veronica Chose Life & Came out of Hiding:40 Days of Celebrating Mums Choosing Life Day 24
When I first started working for Good Counsel, I was asked to meet with a young Irish girl, Veronica. She had come to England to get an abortion, she didn't think she could face telling her mum about her pregnancy. But once she got to the abortion centre, she realised that there was no way she could have the abortion. It felt so wrong. She tried to work out some plan with the baby's father, but he didn't want to be tied down and wasn't offering her any support if she wanted to keep the baby.
She didn't know what to do. She didn't know where to go. She just knew she couldn't go home.
So - after some pro-lifers in Ireland put me in touch with her -she came to stay with me, and my parents. She was a really shy young woman, but found my parents, who were Irish like her own, easy to talk to. Particularly in the evening, when there was little else to do, she would often sit and chat with my mum. My dear mum was very kind and gentle, and sympathetic. One evening when they were chatting alone, Veronica asked Mum "What should I do?". "Well" Mum answered, "If you were my daughter, I would be really worried about you. I would really want you to tell me what had happened. I would really want to know." Veronica broke down and had a good cry. "Yes, I have to tell her." she replied. My mum promised to pray, she had already been praying for Veronica and her baby.
She went and phoned her straight away. She told her she was pregnant. Her mother, who only knew that her daughter had gone to London, but did not know why, had that sixth sense of a Mother - and feeling that something was wrong - had been terribly worried. Veronica's confession that she was pregnant shocked her, but almost immediately she felt a great sense of relief - finally she understood what the problem was. "Come home Veronica. Come home and have your baby." her mum said.
Veronica booked a ticket home the next day and was welcomed with great joy by her parents.
Some months later, my mum received a letter from Veronica's mum. She had had a Mass said for my mum. She wanted to thank her again and again for the help she had given Veronica. Veronica enclosed a note of thanks with her mum's letter, and a picture of her gorgeous baby son.
My mum was ecstatic. A little generosity of spirit, a little of her time, a kind word and she had helped to save a life and also to make the lives of Veronica and her son happier. - Clare
Thursday, 16 March 2023
Fighting 4 Life: 40 Days of Celebrating Mums Choosing Life Day 23
One Mother we supported shared her testimony with those who attended our "Halfway Event" on Thursday 16th March. Here is her story.
I was in an extremely difficult situation with three children already, and the youngest one was a baby of 3 months old, when I discovered I was pregnant again. My partner was with me at the time and he was pressurising me into having an abortion. He told me “If you don’t terminate this pregnancy I will leave you”. I had to put up with this as well as being shocked about being pregnant so soon again.
So I went to Brixton abortion clinic for a consultation and they thought I was only carrying one baby when I arrived. They gave me a scan and told me there was more than one heartbeat. I was totally shocked. They told me they thought it was twins and I thought straight away at that moment I cannot go ahead with an abortion.
They said they could not proceed because I could sue them because I was not mentally prepared to abort more than one baby so I had to have time to think about it and return for the abortion at a later date but I had already made up my mind that I was not going to return.
I went for my first antenatal scan at the hospital and they told me that I was expecting quadruplets. I nearly collapsed. I was very shocked.
My partner was unsupportive and I said to him that if I had an abortion I could even die from the procedure and then who would look after the children? I refused to go back because it was so wrong. I was confused. Then my partner packed his bags and left us.
I felt so alone and I was thinking who would be able to take care of my children? I dropped off my children to school. A nice teacher saw me and knew something was wrong and she asked me was I ok? Did I want to talk? So she took me into her office and I was crying and telling her my situation. The teacher gave me The Good Counsel Network’s details. I went for my appointment there with Iulia the counsellor. From the time I walked out I felt peace. They sent some volunteers to help me with my children. The Good Counsel then fought to get carers in to help me. Clare fought very hard to win the case with the Council to get the carers which I had for 3 years. I also got financial help including vouchers, help with baby goods, clothes, shoes for the children. I still have ongoing help and support from The Good Counsel Network with weekly vouchers help and Christmas presents for the children. I am very grateful, they gave me lots of wonderful help and emotional help and support. They are always there for me. "Lydia"
Wednesday, 15 March 2023
Pro-Choice Charlene Wants Pro-Life Vigils to be Allowed: 40 Days of Celebrating Mums Choosing Life Day 22
I got a phone call one day from a volunteer at a vigil, "Would you take to this lady?" he asked "She is very upset." He put her on the phone. Her name was Charlene and she told me "I've been shouting at this man in the street for 20 minutes because I was cross that he was outside the abortion centre, but I don't know what to do and I just need a neutral person to talk to!" "Well" I said "You know I am not neutral, I don't think anyone is really neutral. But I can listen. I can just listen, if you want to come in and talk." She did want to and she arrived in The Good Counsel Centre about half an hour later.
Charlene was a beautiful young woman but she and her family had been through many abortions and much trauma. She loved children but just couldn't think about how she would cope with one when her own life was so messed up! She had a very dramatic relationship, which moved into an abusive relatioship very uickly when she became pregnant.
Our meeting that day went well and she told me she wanted to keep the baby. She needed some financial help and help with housing and we got onto that straight away.
Her pregnancy was full of dramatic ups and downs, relationship breakdowns and patching things up and then breaking up again. She would regularly make new appoinments for abortion and she would cancel them or she would go to them but then walk out.
Finally she passed the legal limit and rejoiced that there was no longer any choice to make.
She had her baby and decided that this was going to be the beginning of a new era in her life, being "More Mama and less drama" as the saying goes.
When she heard our vigils were going to be banned she was horrified. Although she regarded herself as a pro-choice, pro-lifer (!)
Today we celebrate mums like Charlene, whohave to confront the trauma of previous abortions when they accept a baby and welcome it into their life. Grant her repentance and healing O, Lord, and all her family too.
Please donate to help us support Mothers in need here
Tuesday, 14 March 2023
When Life Isn't Cheap: 40 Days of Celebrating Mums Choosing Life Day 21
When I met Natalie and John they were planning an abortion. I asked them why and they told us that their families were both Christian, and in the part of Africa they were both from, getting pregnant outside of marriage was not something their families would accept.
We talked about the development of the baby and they both said they thought abortion was wrong but just didn't see any way out for them.
"Is there anything, any practical thing, that we could offer that might help change the situation?" I asked."Yes" said John, "There is one thing". "If I had the money to compensate her family for the mistake we have made. Then I could ask for her hand in marriage." This required a small loan of a few hundred pounds.
John approached Natalie's parents, owned up to what had happened. He offered his apologies for disrespecting the beliefs and values they all held and for disrespecting Natalie. He paid them the required "compensation" and got their permission to get married.
They kept their baby and, some time later, we got an invitation to their wedding!
The couple bloomed form thereonand were able to pay back the loan we made them over the next year.
Imagine a world where a small loan can save the life of a child, and where an abortion centre was willing to end the child's life rather than help them to obtain the small amount of help the parents needed to choose life!
Please donate to help us support Mothers in need here
Monday, 13 March 2023
The Uninvited Guest was their Baby: 40 Days of Celebrating Mums Choosing Life Day 20
Elsa was a young Latin American woman studying to be a lawyer. She was engaged to a young Algerian man, Ben. She was a Christian, he was a muslim, neither of them were practising their faith. When Ben's mother visited England, he sent Elsa to stay with a friend so he could pretend they were not living together. His mum liked Elsa and agreed to their marriage. They got their invitations printed and sent them off to invite all their friends to their wedding.
Then Elsa found out she was pregnant and suddenly everything changed. Ben was furious at first and very anxious. If she would abort the baby, he said, they could get married and everything would be fine. Then they could soon have another child. But they couldn't have this child, because then his family would know they had been livng together and they would never accept their child.
Elsa couldn't believe her ears! They were about to get married and her fiance was expecting her to abort their baby? She wouldn't even consider it! But Ben said he would throw her out of the flat if she kept the baby. Thankfully, she found Good Counsel, and we were able to find her a place to stay in a supporter's home. She finished the relationship with Ben for good.
She stayed for a couple of months, while she put her affairs in England in order and then moved home to tell her family the bad news about her fiance and the good news about her baby, which they accepted with great joy.
Later she wrote to tell us that she had qualified and was working in law back home, and loving raising her son, with her parents help.
Let us pray for parents who have to stand up to their partner over the issue of abortion. God bless the courage of mothers like Elsa, and also the fathers who oppose the abortion of their children.
Please donate to help us support Mothers in need here
Sunday, 12 March 2023
Marie Stopes' Staff Took The Help I Needed Right Out of My Hands: 40 Days of Celebrating Mums Choosing Life Day 19
I was then brought in to see the Counsellor, I explained my situation, which was that I was struggling with my research studies and coping with my small children and that if I continued my pregnancy I worried that I could not finish my studies.
She listened to me, but she did not respond.
A lady scanned me, but did not show me the scan. She told me I
was 11 weeks pregnant. She told me it would be a surgical abortion at this
stage. And she told me I must make a decision as quickly as possible.
But I took my time, because I was worried. It’s not like
deciding between tea and coffee.
She did not offer me any help or support. Or any options for
keeping my baby and getting help.
Neither keeping the baby or adoption were discussed at all.
If I had been allowed to read the leaflet that was given to me by the Good Counsel Network that day, I would have received an offer of the very help I needed. If I had time to study, with some help with childcare, I could have studied well (as proven by the results I got in most of the modules I took). If I had got some help, I could have happily continued with the pregnancy and my studies. Instead I had to endure months of terrible stress and insecurity - finally deciding to keep my baby which is what I wanted to be able to do all along - but having failed one module twice I am now facing dismissal from my course.
If I am dismissed, I will
lose tens of thousands of pounds that I have invested in this course.
I returned to Marie Stopes in March to ask for a letter
explaining how under pressure and stressed I was in November. I needed this
letter to submit as part of my appeal against the college’s decision. They
refused to provide one.
Only on my way out did I meet another volunteer of the Good Counsel Network who then showed me a help leaflet like the one I had received last year and had taken from me. This showed me the help I had been deprived of – babysitting, help to continue my studies and financial help. The very things I had needed.
I thank God that I kept my baby despite the lack of choices I was offered. But I am also very sad that Marie Stopes’ intervention in taking the help leaflet from me may force me to lose my place on my course and the money which I invested in it. - Diana.
Good Counsel's funds are dangerously low, please donate to support our work here.