Our Lady of the Wayside

Our Lady of the Wayside
Protect Expectant Mothers and Their Babies


Wednesday 25 May 2011

The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality

The Catechist says they have the right to tell your child about sex. A teacher in a Catholic school says that the Government says we must show pornography to your 5 year old. The Bishop says his hands are tied, and the experts have said it is okay. Thank God that as Catholics we can look to Christ's Vicar on Earth in Rome, when things seem so dark. The Vatican document, The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality, is a good place to start. There's no replacement for reading the document yourself (and no excuse for Catholic parents not to), but on Thursday 26th May at 8pm there will be a 30 minute programme on EWTN (sky 589 or online) about this document - maybe it would be a good place to start.

Stuart McCullough

Sunday 22 May 2011

Furniture Needed in Uxbridge to Help House the Unborn!

As we have blogged recently, we have had a great increase in girls coming to us. Many of them are very set on abortion originally, but many have gone on to choose life for their children after offers of moral support and practical help. Thanks be to God.

We have also written before on the scandal of homeless pregnant women who are not entitled to benefit (foreign students and workers for example as well as others) being left to sleep on the street. A growing problem for us here in London.

Our Mother's Home in North West London is always kept full, so we were delighted to find we have been offered the use of a property - not too far from Uxbridge, West London - where we hope to house a further 3 or 4 expectant and new Mothers and their children. A generous supporter has offered this and it is a great help at present, while we have many Mothers in urgent need of housing. However, it is offered on a temporary basis and we can be given 12 weeks notice to quit at any time. Therefore we would like to furnish it QUICKLY in as decent, but also as cheap a fashion as we can!

That's where you come in. Can you provide any of the following items or do you know anyone who can? If possible we are looking for help from people who live near that area or who can deliver to that area. The requested items are :

Single beds
A sofa bed
A couple of arm chairs
A couple of hard chairs
Bedside tables/cabinets
Portable Heater
Single Duvets
Net curtains and heavy curtains: sizes needed -1 pair 10 foot wide and minimum 6 foot drop
2 pairs 8 foot wide and 7 foot drop. 1 pair 5 foot wide and minimum 5 foot drop. 3 matching pairs 2 of which are 5 foot wide and minimum 6 foot drop.
Child safety gate
Bedside Lamps
Pots and pans for the kitchen

We also welcome anyone in the area who could do a spot of painting or gardening and if you know of a good local electrician or plumber that would be very helpful too.

We also have Mothers who have just moved in to accomodation in North London and East London who would welcome some help with furniture too.

Please get in touch if you can help: 02077231740 or info@goodcounselnetwork , and please, please spread the word.
St Rita, patroness of hopeless causes, on your feast day, pray for us!

Clare McCullough

Friday 20 May 2011

In the end my Immaculate Heart will Triumph: Pro-Life Vigil & Consecration to Mary, Central London 28th May 2011

In case anyone doubts the words of Our Blessed Lady at Fatima that if her instructions were not followed, "various nations will be anihilated", Monsignor Reilly's comments at his recent brilliant talk in London, that there have been 400 million forced abortions in China. A beautiful answer to the current worldwide abortion situation is the Pro-Life Vigil organised by Daniel Blackman involving a Consecration to Our Lady and offered in reparation to her Immaculate Heart coming up next Saturday in London. Here are the details:

Pro-life vigil in honour of Our Lady
28th May 2011

Consecration and reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary & prayers for an end to abortion, in May the month especially dedicated to Our Lady & to honour the work of Blessed Pope John Paul II in building a culture of Life!

Prayer vigil outside BPAS abortion clinic 26-27 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3HP
Start 8.30am. Ends 1pm.

Full police cooperation.
You may join for all or part of the vigil.

Contact Daniel Blackman: daniel-40days@hotmail.co.uk

Thursday 19 May 2011

"The best talk I have ever heard" John Smeaton

Monsignor Philip J Reilly, has just given what John Smeaton, described as, "The best talk I have ever heard." And to be honest, I would be hard pushed to say he was wrong. If you were unable to be at Spanish Place last night, do contact the Helpers of God's Presious Infants as they were filming the talk. John's blog will no doubt cover the talk in detail.

Photo of Monsignor & John chatting at the end of the talk.

Stuart McCullough

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Most important Pro-Life talk in England so far this year, will be on Wednesday

Monsignor Philip J Reilly, the founder of the Helpers of God's Precious Infants will be in London on Wednesday. He will be giving a talk at St James' Church, Spanish Place, 22 George Street, London, W1U 3QY, on Wednesday 18th May 2011 at 7.30pm.

The number of babies, as well as Mothers & Fathers saved from the horrors of abortion by God's Grace, through this Priest is amazing. Should we go to the abortuary and pray? What should we do when we are there? Do Bishops and Priests need to go? Will me going really make a dfference? Over years I've heard Monsingor answer all of this and much more besides.

Stuart McCullough

Monday 16 May 2011

Friday night in the centre of London

Friday nights in Central London, often involves large crowds standing outside pubs drinking too much. How nice it was to see this crowd of youngsters spilling out onto the road in Maiden Lane last Friday, as they have just left Church after Mass for Good Counsel. There is an Old Rite Mass offered for Good Counsel on the 2nd Friday of each month, at 6.30pm at Corpus Christi Church, Maiden Lane. Juventutem (a Catholic Youth Group) then go out for dinner together, 18-35 year olds welcome.

Saturday 14 May 2011

Pro-Life talks on CD

If you missed the Family Life International Conference on Saturday 7th May, you can order some or all of the five Pro-Life talks on CD from FLI or telephone; 02088579950.

Here is a 30 second clip of Hugh Owen speaking, taken with my phone.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Pro Life Mass Friday 13th May

There will be an Old Rite Mass organised by the Latin Mass Society, on Friday 13th May at 6.30pm at Corpus Christi Church, Maiden Lane, London. This Mass is offered for the work of the Good Counsel Network.

Sunday 8 May 2011

Edified by his Example, Pope Benedict on Pope John Paul II

The final words of Pope Benedict's homily at the Beatification of Pope John Paul II:
Finally, on a more personal note, I would like to thank God for the gift of having worked for many years with Blessed Pope John Paul II. I had known him earlier and had esteemed him, but for twenty-three years, beginning in 1982 after he called me to Rome to be Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, I was at his side and came to revere him all the more. My own service was sustained by his spiritual depth and by the richness of his insights. His example of prayer continually impressed and edified me: he remained deeply united to God even amid the many demands of his ministry. Then too, there was his witness in suffering: the Lord gradually stripped him of everything, yet he remained ever a “rock”, as Christ desired. His profound humility, grounded in close union with Christ, enabled him to continue to lead the Church and to give to the world a message which became all the more eloquent as his physical strength declined. In this way he lived out in an extraordinary way the vocation of every priest and bishop to become completely one with Jesus, whom he daily receives and offers in the Eucharist.

Blessed are you, beloved Pope John Paul II, because you believed! Continue, we implore you, to sustain from heaven the faith of God’s people. Amen

Friday 6 May 2011

One Million Rosaries for the Unborn this weekend

On May 6th, 2011 a 3-day spiritual battle begins for an end to the surgical and non-surgical killing of unborn human persons. It is anticipated that people from various places throughout the world will be praying the Rosary for this intention. (Last year, people from more than 40 nations registered for the ONE MILLION ROSARIES FOR UNBORN BABIES.)

Within the last 50 years, hundreds of millions of unborn human persons have been killed surgically and non-surgically. No other group of people has ever suffered such a massacre.

Please, do for the unborn babies that which they can not do for themselves: Pray at least one Rosary from May 6th - 8th for the intention listed above. ( You may register by clicking here. Remember: Each Rosary you register will get us one Rosary closer to the goal of one million Rosaries.)

Also, please help get the word out so other people will know about the ONE MILLION ROSARIES FOR UNBORN BABIES prayer event.

Stuart McCullough

Thursday 5 May 2011

Pharmacists Forced to be Agents of the Culture of Death

H/T to Fathers Stephen and John Boyle for this article from The Pharmaceutical Journal. It's a great article and a little miracle that it got printed by PJ.

More sex please! We’re pharmacists
Wed, 27/04/2011 - 13:41
RoseMary Baker, pharmacist from Wirral, Merseyside

Chocolate bars on the medicines counter? I think not. Cigarettes next to the nicotine replacement therapy? No way. Wines and spirits on the gondola next to the waiting area? I hardly think so. Lottery tickets? Perhaps.

As pharmacists we have an obligation to uphold lifestyle standards appropriate to good health. We are urged not to sell confectionery. Why? Do our customers not have the right to choose to become obese or loose their teeth? Many people eat chocolate sensibly and sometimes sweets may be a necessity for someone with diabetes and yet pharmacists consider it a professional responsibility to protect those who would abuse the situation.

Everyone knows the dangers of smoking and no pharmacist would want to sell tobacco products. The supply of reefers as part of addiction treatment is an ethical dilemma many would wish to avoid. Pharmacies throughout Britain make a great contribution to the anti-smoking campaign and there can be few people in Britain who are not aware of the possible consequences of smoking.

The Royal Pharmaceutical Society recognises that some pharmacies do sell alcohol but advises that those who do so must provide educational information on alcohol abuse.

So, all in all, you might well say that pharmacy as a profession does a good job in educating the public on the interface between pleasure and health.

Quite right, too. We are health professionals with a duty to encourage our customers to live healthily. We provide lots of leaflets on giving up smoking, eating sensibly and keeping within the recommended limits of alcohol consumption. We are happy to spend time counselling on nicotine replacement or healthy eating. We think up new ways of encouraging people to take more exercise or cut down on fats; we warn people of the likelihood of developing diabetes if they are overweight; we terrify them with statistics on cardiovascular problems and cancer.

But what about sex? Well now, that is different. Oh yes, we do display leaflets on how to have safe sex or where to go if you need an abortion. In Wales we can provide post-coital contraceptives free of charge without the necessity of obtaining a prescription from a doctor. Are we being as fair to the public about sex as we are about smoking or eating sweets or drinking alcohol? Do we highlight the failure rate of contraceptives or do we couch the true failure rate in terms like “if used effectively”. Do we shout from the rooftops the fact that many progesterone only pills are likely to fail if the dose is more than three hours late? Have we fought for a Government health warning on condoms which says “this product is likely to fail if you have never used a condom before and you are fumbling around in the dark at the back of the youth club”? Do we help to punch home the truth that sexually transmitted infections really are transmitted sexually, are highly unpleasant and often lead to infertility later in life?

If we as pharmacists really want to contribute to the sexual health of the nation we should be fighting for greater truth to be told regarding contraceptive failure and the consequences of that failure. We should be spreading the news that there is some chance of failure with all contraceptives and that failure leads to a baby for life or an abortion, the memory of which will surely stay for a lifetime. Survey after survey has shown that pharmacists are considered to be accessible and respected for their knowledge of health matters, so why are we failing the public, especially the young public, in the area of sexual health?

Why are we as a profession going along with the lie that postcoital contraception is not abortifacient. Someone, and I do not know who, decided that pregnancy does not begin until an embryo is implanted in the lining of the uterus. How can that be? As scientists we should recognise, that a new life form, genetically distinct from either parent, comes into existence when the sperm and ovum fuse. Once that new life form exists, call it what you will, to destroy it is an abortifacient action. Some may not consider that important but we should be telling people the facts so that they can make their own ethical decision.

We tell people half-heartedly about sexually transmitted diseases but encourage wider availability of postcoital contraception and kid ourselves that such supply does not encourage irresponsible behaviour. When passions are running high would not the prospect of buying a tablet in the morning seem more acceptable than breaking the mood while a condom is applied?

Pharmacists who oppose the availability of post-coital contraception over the counter are branded as, at best, kill-joys and more often, religious bigots. In actual fact these pharmacist are the ones who have their minds tuned to the reality of the situation.

The teenage pregnancy statistics for the UK are terrifying. What are we as a profession doing about it? We just find ways of making the morning after pill ever more widely available instead of spreading the word that sex, far more than chocolate and alcohol, needs to be treated with restraint and respect.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

London Pro-life Conference Saturday 7th May

If you are concerned about the moral decline of our society and feel powerless to change things YOU MUST attend this Pro-Life Pro-Family Event.

Fydor Dostoyevsky once said: “If God is not; then nothing is impermissible”

The purveyors of death are trying to eclipse God in the eyes of our Nation, so that they can promote an atheistic creed and moral world view.

We live in a society where the killing of unborn children is normal. Babies are killed in the very hospitals and clinics where doctors work to save the lives of accident victims. This horrendous situation does not revolt our society.

Family Life International, through our programmes are turning the tide among our youth. This coming year’s conference will highlight the dangers and what we can do as faithful Christians.

The FLI 2011 Conference is planned for Saturday May 7th 2010 again at Westminster Cathedral Hall.

Bring family and friends
Speak to family and friends about attending the conference. Why not organize a group in you parish. Speak to your Parish Priest about promoting this coming event. Register online early and help us to promote this events, if you need further information e-mail us.

Fr Linus Clovis - Secularism; A Failure to Evangelise
Fr. Clovis holds a PhD in Mathematics from London University and studied Theology and Canon Law at the Angelicum University in Rome before he was ordained a priest by Pope John Paul II in 1983. He single handedly took on the St. Lucia Government in the fight against the legalisation of abortion, with the support of almost 20% of the adult population who signed a petition against the killing of the preborn. Fr Clovis is the Spiritual director of FLI and has spoken at various conferences around the world.

Andy Pollard - The Sins of the Fathers (Europe’s Demographic Winter)
Is a Management Consultant and advisor on the effects population control has on the economy and the market. Andy has spoken in a number of forums around the world on the catastrophic effects of depopulation and an ageing population. Andy is among the first academics to predict the devastating impact the ageing population would have on the UK economy and the high cost it would impose on our children.

Patricia Morgan - The Abolition of Marriage (Same Sex Marriage)
Is a Senior Researcher Fellow in the Family at the IEA Health and Welfare Unit, Patricia is a sociologist specialising in Criminology and Family Policy and is a prolific writer with titles such as “Farewell to the Family” and “Are families affordable?”. Patricia is a frequent contributor to radio and television programmes and has given evidence before the parliamentary Social Security Committee.

Hugh Owen - Evolution and the Culture of Death
Is the convert son of Sir David Owen, a former Secretary General of International Planned Parenthood Federation. Hugh directs the Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation which provides a forum for Catholic theologians, philosophers, and natural scientists throughout the world. The Kolbe Center is dedicated to make available to Church leaders and to the laity the evidence for and against the theory of evolution.

Dr Claude Newbury - Mortal Combat Against The Culture of Death
Together with his wife Glenys, has devoted 35 years to propagating and defending the Culture of Life. They have together given more than 6000 talks. Claude founded The Catholic Doctors Guild of Southern Africa and served as National President of Pro-Life South Africa for 25 years and Human Life International for 15 years. In 1992, Fr. Paul Marx, in an HLI Award designated them “The couple who had done the most to defend human life around the world”.

To book or for more information click here

Stuart McCullough

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