Our Lady of the Wayside

Our Lady of the Wayside
Protect Expectant Mothers and Their Babies


Saturday 31 December 2011

Life-saving walk along the Thames

As you may have seen on this blog, in October David Aron walked 184 miles to raise funds for The Good Counsel Network. Here follows an article he wrote for Dowry the Magazine of the FSSP, which you can read it online here.

During the summer months I felt the need to practically support a pro-life charity. So, I decided to fundraise for The Good Counsel Network, a Catholic pro-life charity that helps women in the most difficult and desperate situations with financial, moral and spiritual support. I decided to walk The Thames Path Way (184 miles - 296kms) solo, averaging 23 miles per day, whilst carrying all my kit (tent, food and provisions), weighing approximately 32 lbs (14.5kgs), for eight days (Friday 7 October 2011 – Friday 14 October 2011).

On the morning of the pilgrimage (Friday 7 October 2011) I served at the Traditional Latin Mass at St Dominic‟s (Dursley, Gloucestershire), which was celebrated by Father Redman. It was a beautiful way to start this pilgrimage, especially on the Feast of the Holy Rosary.

The Thames Path Way was an incredibly scenic walk where I followed the river from the source in the rural Cotswolds going though tranquil meadows, past willows trees, with rowers and swans as fleeting companions. It was enjoyable to walk next to peaceful water meadows, through historic towns and cities (Oxford, Reading, Windsor and Hampton Court) before cutting through the heart of London and then finishing at the Thames Barrier. I was absolutely blessed with the weather because throughout the week it only rained once for a couple of hours and the rest of the time it was pleasant sunshine with a cooling breeze. There were periods that I didn‟t see anybody for hours, which was slightly surprising because I expected the route would be bustling with people. At times it was very exhausting walking for 12 – 15 hours a day and most days it involved a dark 5.30am start!

Being separated from the daily commotions of the modern life style was liberating. It was nice to enjoy the silence and therefore to be given the opportunity to focus on God. This enabled me to reflect, meditate and form a closer relationship with God and the Blessed Virgin Mary. During the eight days I had plenty of time to think about the aspects of suffering. In the times of intense physical hardship and exhaustion, this forced me to pray deeper than before and to draw on the intercession of Our Lady, the Saints and Angels. Each day I offered my sufferings for specific intentions. For example, for the end of abortion; for the women that carry the pain and sorrow of having an abortion and that Our Lady may comfort them; for the Holy Souls in Purgatory; and for other private intentions. Also, suffering is a powerful process of purification preparing us for Heaven and it reminded me that we live in a fallen world.

After each day I thanked God for the suffering I endured because it helped me develop a tender heart toward others who are in pain, reflect on my weaknesses and it has strengthened and deepened my love for God and for the beauty of the Catholic Faith. Each day I thanked God for watching over me with an incomparable love, every moment bestowing favours and for the benefits which I have received from him, particularly for that day.

On my last day of walking (Friday 14 October 2011) I prayed at the Good Counsel Vigil at the Whitfield Street Abortuary in the morning. Afterwards I then carried on my walk to my final destination – The Thames Barrier! Arriving at the Thames Barrier I took a moment to reflect on the journey that I had just accomplished and endured – it was an incredible feeling of achievement. Then I looked at the map and realised that I had another mile to walk to the nearest London Overground! To mark the end of this long pilgrimage I arrived at Covent Garden (Central London) where I assisted at the Traditional Latin Mass at Corpus Christi in the evening, which the Latin Mass Society organises for the work of the Good Counsel Network [http://www.goodcounselnet.co.uk/].

Everyone's prayers kept me strong and the thought of saving lives helped me to keep going through the long strenuous days. I would like to thank everyone for their prayers, messages of support and generous donations in saving lives.

Overall, it was a fantastic pilgrimage that hopefully will save the lives of babies and help the souls of their mothers. This walk has been an incredible experience at different levels for me that I will hopefully cherish in years to come and whilst on my journey I deepened my love for God and the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was a truly humbling experience.

(David has so far raised £1,466.00 for Good Counsel, see here to support his walk.)

David is on the right in the photo

Sunday 25 December 2011

Happy Christmas

A Blessed Christmas

to all our supporters,

beneficiaries and friends.

From all at the Good Counsel Network

Thursday 24 November 2011

Real Tragedy of Aborted Twins

"Mother Loses Twin Boys In Abortion Mix Up" reads the Sky News headline. A scan of the article tells us:

"A healthy 32-week old foetus has been aborted by mistake in a tragic mix up at an Australian hospital.
A mother expecting twin boys was told by doctors one of the babies had a serious congenital heart defect and she decided to have him aborted.
However surgeons on Tuesday accidentally terminated the healthy twin.
The sick twin then also died, reportedly after an emergency caesarean section operation."

Picture shows twins born at 32 weeks, the age at which the twins in the news today were aborted.

All sympathy to the parents of these precious little ones. But this article speaks volumes about where our society is at. The "tragedy" in the view of this article writer is not the murder of this woman's children, nor even the truly tragic fact that not one, but two of her children were murdered. No, the tragedy for our society is that the healthy twin was killed. Had all gone to plan and the sick child been killed, it would have been a normal everyday "procedure" and certainly would not have made the papers. Sympathy would have been given to the Mother by friends for the fact that she carried a sick child and "had" to abort. Of course I do not know the severity of the child's condition - though it seems that if a Mother has the courage to continue her pregnancy many babies with heart defects do survive and are successfully treated. But for those who respect life, even a baby with an untreatable illness cannot be slaughtered.

We cannot judge those concerned, perhaps the Mother did not know what she was doing. And even the medical staff can have misinformed consciences and hardened hearts. But, as the article tells us, incidents like this have a habit of awakening consciences:

According to reports ...the ultrasound clinician, ...was apparently inconsolable because of the mistake.
A close friend of the mother said: "She went to hospital with two babies and now she has none.

Then there is the profound statement:
"And she had the heartache of giving birth to her sick baby. She's traumatised."
This is difficult of course, since the whole point of the abortion was an attempt to avoid giving birth to this child.
Giving birth somehow makes the baby real, visible, loveable. The birth of this child screams for justice for the child to be treated just as any born, sick child would be treated. When a woman allows a sick child to be born(rather than aborted), even knowing death is immenent, it is a healing (though difficult) event, which allows for proper grieving. When a woman who has tried to abort is faced with a born, dying child it is truly traumatising and a heartache confirming what has been attempted to be devastatingly wrong.
Let us pray for the Mother and Father and all the medical staff involved in this awful act of violence. May the Lord grant them healing and also repentant hearts that will never be fooled into treating human life lightly again. God bless them.

Clare McCullough

Thursday 10 November 2011

Please come and pray for deceased Pro-Lifers

There will be a Sung Requiem Mass (Old Rite) for the deceased supporters of the Good Counsel Network on Friday 11th November at 6.30pm.

The Mass is the one organised by the
Latin Mass Society on the 2nd Friday of each month at Corpus Christi Church, Maiden Lane, Central London - the nearest tube station is Charing Cross Station.

(Photo of the Requiem Mass held at Good Counsel for Dr Bernard Nathanson.)

500 Crosses for Life Prayer Procession, 12th November 2011

500 Crosses for Life - Prayer Procession
12 November 2011, starts 1:30 pm at Westminster Cathedral, Victoria Street, SW1P 1EP

European Pro Life Prayer Procession in remembrance of unborn babies killed by abortion beginning outside Westminster Cathedral at 1.30pm and finishing at Westminster Abbey at approximately 4.30pm. From Victoria Street the procession turns down Great Smith Street, then Horseferry Road, across Lambeth Bridge and along Lambeth Road to cross Westminster Bridge and thence to the Abbey.

Join this great witness of people in peaceful Intercessory Prayer for the unborn and for the end to abortion in this Country and throughout the world.

More Information:

Notification email:

Friday 4 November 2011

Having Your Baby Scanned Can Help Us Save Lives!

Now London based women who are between 5 and 13 weeks of pregnancy can help to save lives by having a dating scan at Good Counsel's Pregnancy Centre to help us train our Ultrasonographers. We urgently need women at this stage of pregnancy to act as scan "models" for our trainees.

Ultrasound Scans are one of those mixed blessings. Routinely used to detect and exterminate those whom society deems "imperfect", the flipside of ultrasound is that crisis pregnancy centres report that as many as 90% of abortion-minded women change their mind after seeing a scan of their baby.

The Good Counsel Network is seeking to redress the balance here in London - where scan technology is so often used against life - by offering a scan to all abortion-minded women we see. In order to get this service up and running, we are training some volunteers to do the scans.

Some of our mums who are keeping their babies are already participating by volunteering to be scanned but we need many more.

All participants will get to see their baby on the free scan, will get a free picture of their baby and their travel expenses will be refunded. You will only be asked to have one scan.

All scans will be supervised by a Consultant who is an expert in Ultrasound.

If you would like to have a scan and help save lives at the same time, call us as soon as possible on 02077231740 to book in.

Monday 31 October 2011

One Priest & his dog helping to end abortion

(URGENT UPDATE; There are rumors that pro-death/pro-abortion supporters will hold a counter demo on Wednesday 2nd November at 1pm, so please come then to support the vigil for life, if you can.)

While praying at Bedford Square abortuary (26-27 Bedford Sq, London, WC1B 3HP), as part of 40 Days for Life, I was very pleased to see Fr Sherbrooke, the local Parish Priest join us, while out walking his dog! By the time my phone was ready to take this photo, he was half way across the road to say hello. Father is always supportive of Pro-Life work in his Parish & in his old Parish which also had an abortuary around the corner!

Juventutem organise monthly Masses at St Patrick's in support of The Good Counsel Network, with the permission of Father. You still have time to come and pray at Bedford Sq abortuary, as 40 Days for Life continues until Sunday 6th November. Bishop Hopes will be there on Friday. After that you can join us there each Wednesday 11am until 1pm or Monday to Friday 9am-1.30pm at Whitfield St abortuary (108 Whitfield Street, London, W1T 5EA). For these and other vigils see here.

Friday 28 October 2011

Mass for Good Counsel tonight

For awhile a group of youngsters have been coming to the Good Counsel Mass on the 2nd Friday of each month at Corpus Christi, Maiden Lane, at 6.30pm. After Mass they would go out for dinner. They have now started to have Mass at St Patrick's details below. As well as this the Mass at Corpus Christi will still continue. (Photo)

Juventutem London have moved to St Patrick's, Soho. The High Old Rite Mass at 6.30pm will be offered for the Good Counsel Network. (But the collection will be for Juventutem)

For more details about the Masses organised by Juventutem London click
here. We're especially keen for people to realise that the Mass is not only for people between the ages of 18-35, but that the social afterwards is!

Stuart McCullough

Tuesday 25 October 2011

English Bishop to help end abortion.

Roman Catholic Bishop Alan Hopes will join 40 days for Life London to lead us in prayer for an end to abortion. Bishop Hopes will arrive at the abortuary at 26-27 Bedford Square London, WC1B 3HP, for 7pm on Friday 4th November.

A few months ago Bishop Hopes joined the Helpers of God's Precious Infants in Twickenham to lead a pro-life vigil at another BPAS abortion facility (Report & Photos).

We feel very blessed to have Bishop Hopes with us. This will be the first time 40 Days for Life London has had a bishop join us in prayer at the vigil.

You are warmly invited to join us and bring a friend or anyboby else if you don't have any friends.

Stuart McCullough

Deerstalker tip to John Smeaton

Saturday 22 October 2011

De donde eres, Apostolic Nuncio?

While having a drink and a bite to eat at Archbishops House (Westminster, London) the other night a Bishop came over to introduce himself. "Pleased to meet you, I am Archbishop Antonio Mennini, The Apostolic Nuncio", he said. "De donde eres?" said I, thinking to myself, that's not right! "Italy" came the reply! Peter covered for me then by saying something nice about The Good Counsel Natwork and our Pro-Life work. To which the Italian Apostolic Nuncio, said keep up the good work.

We also had a chat with Vincent Archbishop Nichols, in English about Pro-Life issues. We also had a chance to catch up with Fr O'Leary.

So there you have it, 'Soy idiota'. (Note for those who don't get it, I spoke in Spanish!)

Stuart McCullough

Saturday 15 October 2011

More on David Aron's Walk

Above, David on the right at the Good Counsel Stall at Hyde Park during the Papal Visit last year

Left, David Aron after attending Good Counsel's Mass in London on Friday, after his 184 mile Thames PathWalk for Good Counsel. He also attended the Good Counsel Vigil at the Whitfield St Abortuary that morning!

The Reluctant Sinner has a nice post about David Aron's walk and his arrival in London last night. Well done David and we hope you have got your feet up tonight!
It was a long, hard, often lonely walk and we really appreciate the hard work and the funds raised.

It's not too late to help David reach his sponsorship target. Please click here to donate.

Friday 14 October 2011

Courageous Pro-lifer walks 184 MILES to save lives!!!

David Aron, a young Catholic from Bristol, is soon to complete his 184 mile journey along the Thames Pathway. This Journey starts in the Cotswolds, not far from Cirencester, and winds its way to the the Thames barrier in London encompassing a number of towns and cities including Oxford, Reading and Windsor. He has decided to attempt this 8-day walk to raise money for The Good Counsel Network in a sincere hope that his efforts will help to save more unborn lives. Please help him do this by sponsoring him today. Please also leave a message of support to encourage and thank him for the sacrifice he has made and remember to pray for the success of his walk.

We expect to meet David at Corpus Christi Catholic Church, Maiden Lane tonight at 6.30pm where he will attend our Mass organised by the Latin Mass Society.

We will have pictures soon to show he has completed his arduous journey.

You can also make direct donations

David Aron 184 Mile Sponsored Walk for Good Counsel Finishes Today

David Aron aims to complete his 184 mile along the Thames Path Walk to raise money for the work of the Good Counsel Network today.

David began his walk on Friday 7th October. He plans to attend the Old Rite mass for the Good Counsel Network this evening at Corpus Christi, Maiden Lane in Central London.

He has walked about 25 miles a day to complete the walk and has had to carry his sleeping bag, tent etc.
Please sponsor David, and help us to protect more babies by giving support, friendship, food and housing to more expectant Mothers by clicking on to his JustGiving page.

Friday 7 October 2011

Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary

Have a Blessed Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary

Prayer To Our Lady of the Rosary

O Virgin Mary, grant that the recitation of thy Rosary may be for me each day, in the midst of my manifold duties, a bond of unity in my actions, a tribute of filial piety, a sweet refreshment, an encouragement to walk joyfully along the path of duty. Grant, above all, O Virgin Mary, that the study of thy fifteen mysteries may form in my soul, little by little, a luminous atmosphere, pure, strengthening, and fragrant, which may penetrate my understanding, my will, my heart, my memory, my imagination, my whole being. So shall I acquire the habit of praying while I work, without the aid of formal prayers, by interior acts of admiration and of supplication, or by aspirations of love. I ask this of thee, O Queen of the Holy Rosary, through Saint Dominic, thy son of predilection, the renowned preacher of thy mysteries, and the faithful imitator of thy virtues. Amen.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

See you on Thursday at 40 Days for Life Vigil

40 Days for Life is now back in London. People will be praying and counselling outside the BPAS abortuary at 26-27 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3HP, 8am until 8pm everyday, until 6th November. It is a fact that many lives have been saved in London since 40 Days for Life started here last year. (Photo, Bishop McMahon of Brentwood, leading the Rosary outside another abortuary, as he does each year)

This Thursday, 6th October, Good Counsel will be at the abortuary from 8am-8pm. Please come and join us as we will be quite pushed that day as we have a lot on in the office as well as having the daily vigil at the other Central London abortuary. Nearest Tube: Goodge St or Tottenham Court Road.

(Photo, Bishop Hopes of Westminster leading the Rosary at another abortuary earlier this year)

"But I live near Birmingham!" That's great, see here. "Manchester?" No problem, see here.

And for other vigils at abortuarys around the UK, see here.

Stuart McCullough

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Pro-Life Fundraising Ball

Good Counsel would like to invite you all to our Annual Fundraising Ball. Last year this was an amazing success, raising us lots of money to help more Mothers choose life for their children and a very good night out for all. This year we have a wonderful location in the heart of South Kensington where we will provide a 3-course meal, live music and a great night for all.

It is being held at Ognisko, 55 Exhibition Road, London SW7 2PN on Saturday 19th November, starting at 6.30pm. Tickets are £70 each with discounts for tables of 10 or 12. Please see our website for full details.

Last year we sold out and had to turn people away, so please book as soon as possible. It is essential that if you have any dietary requirements that you let us know in advance so that we can make the necessary arrangements.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Conor Carroll

Tuesday 27 September 2011

National Day of Prayer & Fasting for Life Wednesday 28th September

Join Us in Prayer and Fasting for the End of Abortion, Euthanasia and all attacks on the Sanctity of Life.

The next National Day of Prayer and Fasting for Life is tomorrow, please pray for an end of abortion and euthanasia. Your prayer and fasting is urgently needed. This is an opportunity for everyone to make a real difference in the pro-life struggle.

Join us in:

•Fasting: Fast from all food except bread and water for the day or fast from a particular food or luxury, e.g. chocolate, alcohol, cigarettes, TV. Fast from whatever you can given your state of health etc, but make sure it is something that involves a sacrifice to yourself.

•Prayer: We are asking people to say a Rosary (or an extra Rosary if you say it daily already). You could also offer an extra effort such as going to Mass (or an extra Mass) on the day, or going to Adoration. You can even pray before a closed tabernacle if Adoration is not available near you.
(Photo Benediction at Good Counsel)

Stuart McCullough

Urgent Prayers for Fr Mike Williams

"Poor Fr. Mike has fallen unconscious with a mysterious lump on his brain. We visited him last night - he has been in critical condition on a life support machine since Thursday. Basically we need a miracle - if he is to survive he has to open his eyes in the next couple of days and then he will still need brain surgery.

He is also the only priest (that I know of) in this Archdiocese who goes to lead the Rosary outside the BPAS. He has brought souls back to God through his work as a full time hospital chaplain and is regarded in the Archdiocese for his maturity and virtue.

We are asking people to pray for a miracle to Blessed Cardinal JH Newman and as Fr Mike has devotion to St. Philomena - Powerful with God, to ask for her help too! A priest last night also suggested Blessed Pope John Paul II."

We recieved this from friends in Liverpool and having met Fr Williams a couple of time would ask your prayers for this very good Priest.

Stuart McCullough

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Juventutem Mass offered for Good Counsel

Juventutem London Solemn High Mass (Old Rite), Ember Friday in September
6.30pm Friday 23rd September, St Patrick's Church, Soho Square, London.
The Mass will be offered for The Good Counsel Network

Followed by a Social (for ages 18-35)

Sacred Ministers:
Celebrant: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP
Deacon: Fr David Irwin
Subdeacon: Fr Stewart Foster

MC: Mr Gordon Dimon

Confessions will be heard through Mass from 6pm by Fr Leon Pereira, OP. Absolution will be given using the traditional Latin form.

Polyphony and chant provided by Cantus Magnus:

Orlande de Lassus Missa secundi toni (K, S, A)
Orlande de Lassus Benedic anima mea
Antonio Lotti Salve Regina

Men who are serving should be at the sacristy by 6pm with their own cassocks and cottas.

Please assemble outside the Church after making your post-Mass thanksgiving. Please note that though the Mass is open (and welcomes) those of any age, the social is strictly for those aged 18-35 (clergy and religious excepted).

For more information see here and here.

Stuart McCullough

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Write A Letter To Mary

Mary Wagner who I have written about before here, has been jailed for 40 days (!) for her witness to unborn life. Representing herself in court, Mary chose to use the opportunity as a platform to declare the truth about the evil of abortion rather than defend herself against the charges.
Read about her here and why not send a letter to Mary thanking her for her witness.

Clare McCullough

Tuesday 13 September 2011

40 Days For Life is back in London

"Wednesday 14th September, 7pm, Farm Street Parish Hall, London, W1K 3AH - Cast the Vision event. We will meet to launch London's third 40 Days for Life Campaign. We have Rachel's Vineyard post-abortion help and Fiona Mansford coming to speak. Refreshments will be provided. Hope to see you there. The Committee."

This is well worth supporting, as it saves babies from abortion as well helping Mothers avoid abortion. If you cannot be there do see their website to see what else you can do to help. After their first Campaign Good Counsel carried on with the daily vigil.

Stuart McCullough

Friday 9 September 2011

Mass for Good Counsel tonight

There will be an Old Rite Mass organised by the Latin Mass Society, on Friday 9th September at 6.30pm at Corpus Christi Church, Maiden Lane, London. This Mass is offered for the work of the Good Counsel Network.

(Photo of Benediction in the Good Counsel Network's chapel)

Stuart McCullough

Thursday 8 September 2011

Happy Birthday Blessed Mother!

Happy Birthday to Our Blessed Lady!

And a Happy Birthday also to my Mother, Rita -

beautiful day for a birthday, for such a beautiful person.

by Clare McCullough

Baby Clothes and Goods Still Urgently Needed

Don't forget we still need cots, pushchairs suitable for newborns, 0-6 months babyclothes, maternity clothes, especially size 18-20.
You can buy many of these items by shopping online via our amazon wishlist here.

Or we are happy to accept donations of good quality second hand items (only with all parts and all screws if a cot please), and cash donations, which are always helpful, are also particularly welcome this week! See our website for all the easy options for donating.

Many thanks, Clare McCullough

Monday 5 September 2011

Urgent extra National Day of Prayer and Fasting for Life, Tuesday 6th (or Wednesday 7th) September

On Tuesday 6th September(moved to 7th after we sent this out as an email!) in the House of Commons there will be a debate regarding Health and Social Care Bill. A number of amendments regarding the counselling of pregnant women in relationship to abortion will be debated. With the details that we currently have it is not clear what would be the long term outcome of these amendments. Although there are some serious concerns that pro-lifers have raised. The Good Counsel Network has therefore called for an extra day of prayer and fasting for life with the intention that God’s Will, will be done and that the bill and any amendments to it, will do nothing to hinder the pro-life movement and that it will also not lead to an increase in the number of abortions.

Therefore on Tuesday 6th of September (or on Wednesday 7th)please:


Fast from all food except bread and water for the day


Fast from a particular food or luxury, e.g. chocolate, alcohol, cigarettes, TV.

Fast from whatever you can, given your state of health etc, but make sure it is something that involves a sacrifice to yourself.


We are asking people to say a Rosary (or an extra Rosary if you say it daily already).

You could also offer an extra effort such as going to Mass (or an extra Mass) on the day, or going to Adoration. You can even pray before a closed tabernacle if Adoration is not available near you.

(Photo of Benediction at Good Counsel on the eve of the Fast Day.)

Stuart McCullough

Urgent; Clothe the naked, Mothers and Babies Needing Clothes and Baby Things

I got the following note from Ronni, our dedicated volunteer, who gives up 3 days a week, and most of the rest of her time to helping Mothers in need. Our funds are at an all-time low, but we are busy enough that we now have lots of expectant and new Mums needing maternity and baby goods. So this is an urgent appeal for help with these goods:

Hi Clare,
Ann reminded me yesterday she asked for size 18 winter coat. She also needs size 7 to 8 winter shoes or boots.
Belinda asked last week and this week for large clothes, Her baby is due in October and she has no clothes to fit other than what she was wearing. Maternity size 20. We have almost no adult clothing. Belinda also asked if something could be done about her bed, hers is broken.
Serena needs a buggy, and was told by midwives to get breast pump.
Two other mums also need light buggies (as when you can't afford the train you travel everywhere by bus and big buggies don't get on the bus) suitable for newborns (Ed's note: i.e. they can recline lie flat not just sloping back).
We also urgently need at least 2 cots (with all the screws and parts).
Boys Baby Clothes: We are very short of 0 to 3 and 3 to 6 months old boys clothes and the few we have left are not in very good condition.

Clare McCullough

Thursday 1 September 2011

New Proposals on Pregnancy Counselling; No Evidence To Suggest Lives Will Be Saved

See John Smeaton's excellent analysis of the New Proposals re Pregnancy Counselling which will be voted on on 6th Sept.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Pro Life Video & A Talk In London

Do watch this Michael Voris Catholic Pro Life video and then came and see him live in London.

"Living the Catholic Faith Radically!" by Michael Voris, Wednesday 24 August, at Regent Hall, 275 Oxford Street, London W1C 2DJ. Doors open 7pm. The closest tube station is Oxford Circus. Bond Street and Marble Arch are also within walking distance. All tickets are £5 and will be sold on a first come, first serve basis. You can purchase them via paypal at http://smeatonscorner.blogspot.com/2011/08/michael-voris-speaking-in-london-in.html

Do please try to attend and to spread the word.

Deerstalker tip to John Smeaton for the link to the video.

Stuart McCullough

Monday 22 August 2011

Kneel Down Next To Me, at World Youth Day

Last Saturday morning Mass for Seminarians, as part of World Youth Day, in the Cathedral of La Almundena Spain, with the Pope. A lot of future Priests kneel to receive Holy Communion on the tongue from The Holy Father, while an Acolyte holds a Communion Patten under the chins. Take the hint, take the hint!

[Photo, Spanish Crown Prince Felipe receives Holy Communion during the Papal Mass in Santiago de Compostela, northern Spain, last year]

Stuart McCullough

Sunday 21 August 2011

The Pope's Unheard Homily - Saturday Night's Homily World Youth Day Madrid.

Good Counsel Volunteers at WYD Madrid


Prepared for Saturday's

Cuatro Vientos Air Base, Madrid
but not given due to torrential rain and gale force winds

Dear Young Friends,

I greet all of you, especially the young people who have asked me their questions, and I thank them for the sincerity with which they set forth their concerns, that express the longing which all of you have to achieve something great in life, something which can bring you fulfilment and happiness.

How can a young person be true to the faith and yet continue to aspire to high ideals in today’s society? In the Gospel we have just heard, Jesus gives us an answer to this urgent question: “As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love” (Jn 15:9).

Yes, dear friends, God loves us. This is the great truth of our life; it is what makes everything else meaningful. We are not the product of blind chance or absurdity; instead our life originates as part of a loving plan of God. To abide in his love, then, means living a life rooted in faith, since faith is more than the mere acceptance of certain abstract truths: it is an intimate relationship with Christ, who enables us to open our hearts to this mystery of love and to live as men and women conscious of being loved by God.

If you abide in the love of Christ, rooted in the faith, you will encounter, even amid setbacks and suffering, the source of true happiness and joy. Faith does not run counter to your highest ideals; on the contrary, it elevates and perfects those ideals. Dear young people, do not be satisfied with anything less than Truth and Love, do not be content with anything less than Christ.

Nowadays, although the dominant culture of relativism all around us has given up on the search for truth, even if it is the highest aspiration of the human spirit, we need to speak with courage and humility of the universal significance of Christ as the Saviour of humanity and the source of hope for our lives. He who took upon himself our afflictions, is well acquainted with the mystery of human suffering and manifests his loving presence in those who suffer. They in their turn, united to the passion of Christ, share closely in his work of redemption. Furthermore, our disinterested attention towards the sick and the forgotten will always be a humble and warm testimony of God’s compassionate regard.

Dear friends, may no adversity paralyze you. Be afraid neither of the world, nor of the future, nor of your weakness. The Lord has allowed you to live in this moment of history so that, by your faith, his name will continue to resound throughout the world.

During this prayer vigil, I urge you to ask God to help you find your vocation in society and in the Church, and to persevere in that vocation with joy and fidelity. It is a good thing to open our hearts to Christ’s call and to follow with courage and generosity the path he maps out for us.

The Lord calls many people to marriage, in which a man and a woman, in becoming one flesh (cf. Gen 2:24), find fulfilment in a profound life of communion. It is a prospect that is both bright and demanding. It is a project for true love which is daily renewed and deepened by sharing joys and sorrows, one marked by complete self-giving. For this reason, to acknowledge the beauty and goodness of marriage is to realize that only a setting of fidelity and indissolubility, along with openness to God’s gift of life, is adequate to the grandeur and dignity of marital love.

Christ calls others to follow him more closely in the priesthood or in consecrated life. It is hard to put into words the happiness you feel when you know that Jesus seeks you, trusts in you, and with his unmistakable voice also says to you: “Follow me!” (cf. Mk 2:14).

Dear young people, if you wish to discover and to live faithfully the form of life to which the Lord is calling each of you, you must remain in his love as his friends. And how do we preserve friendship except through frequent contact, conversation, being together in good times and bad? Saint Teresa of Jesus used to say that prayer is just such “friendly contact, often spending time alone with the one who we know loves us” (cf. Autobiography, 8).

And so I now ask you to “abide” in the adoration of Christ, truly present in the Eucharist. I ask you to enter into conversation with him, to bring before him your questions and to listen to his voice. Dear friends, I pray for you with all my heart. And I ask you to pray for me. Tonight let us ask the Lord to grant that, attracted by the beauty of his love, we may always live faithfully as his disciples. Amen.

[French] Dear young French-speakers, be proud of the gift of faith which you have received, as it will illumine your life at every moment. Draw strength from the faith of your neighbours, from the faith of the Church! Through faith we are grounded in Christ. Gather with others to deepen it, be faithful to the celebration of the Eucharist, the mystery of faith par excellence. Christ alone can respond to your aspirations. Let yourselves be seized by God, so that your presence in the Church will give her new life!

[English] Dear young people, in these moments of silence before the Blessed Sacrament, let us raise our minds and hearts to Jesus Christ, the Lord of our lives and of the future. May he pour out his Spirit upon us and upon the whole Church, that we may be a beacon of freedom, reconciliation and peace for the whole world.

[German] Dear young Christians from the German-speaking countries! Deep in our hearts we yearn for what is grand and beautiful in life. Do not let your desires and aspirations dissipate, but ground them in Jesus Christ. He himself is the sure foundation, the point of reference, for building up your life.

[Italian] I now turn to the Italian-speaking young people. Dear friends, this vigil will remain as an unforgettable experience in your lives. Guard the flame which God has lit in your hearts tonight. Never let it go out, renew it each day, share it with your contemporaries who live in darkness and who are seeking a light for their way. Thank you! Until tomorrow morning!

[Portuguese] My dear friends, I invite each of you to enter into a personal dialogue with Christ, sharing with him your hesitations and above all listening to his voice. The Lord is here and he is calling you! Young friends, it is good to hear within us the word of Jesus and to follow in his footsteps. Ask the Lord to help you to discover your vocation in life and in the Church, and to persevere in it with joy and fidelity, knowing that he never abandons you or betrays you! He remains with us until the end of the world.

[Polish] Dear young friends from Poland! This prayer vigil is filled with the presence of Christ. Grounded in his love, draw near to him with the flame of your faith. He will fill your hearts with his life. Build your lives on Christ and on his Gospel. I willingly bless all of you.

* * *
Final greeting of the Holy Father

Dear Young Friends,

Before I leave you, let me say good night to all of you. Rest well. Thank you for the sacrifice you are making and which I know you are offering generously to the Lord. We will meet again, God willing, at the celebration of Mass tomorrow. I will see all of you there. Thank you very much.

Pope Benedict XVI

Saturday 20 August 2011

And Then It Rained On Our Pro-Life Pilgrims, And Everyone Else

So, the already weary travellers begin their journey. With our flawless Spanish and engaging personalities, locals have been jumping at the chance to guide us on our desperate quest for cheapish food, er I mean to get to see the Pope. After some hopeless bumbling around the Plaza Del Sol, asking for about an hour, we decided to set off and gloriously begin the pilgrims march to the aerodrome to see the Pope.

Despite being suffocated with WYD volunteers, no one was able to tell us which direction we could walk to the aerodrome, and so we ended up taking train.

After hours of wearisome travel , we finally arrived, only to be booted to the back of the field as our spaces were full. Nonetheless, the excitement in the air is evidence enough to show that no matter what is thrown in the way, the love for Papa and for the Church, the Body of Christ, conquers all.

[Just after we recieved this it started to rain and rain and rain at Cuatro Vientos, which I'm told means Four Winds! Still look out for the wet Good Counsel Network postcards for the chance to win a dry copy of the Holy Father's book]

Johanna Hendrickx

Pilgrims on fire with the Faith!

Good Counsel T-Shirt spotted in Madrid! If you see him ask for a Good Counsel postcard and you could win a book by the Holy Father!

Signing in at the site, where the Pope will be tonight (6.30-9.30pm), and where he will offer Mass on Sunday morning at 7.45am. You can watch it all live on EWTN (sky 589), but you will need your own hose pipe!

Pilgrims on fire with the Faith at World Youth Day, get hosed down by local firemen!

Stuart McCullough

Three Pro-Life Pilgrims Lost In Madrid!

The news at the start of today from Gaelle, Eddie & Johanna, Good Counsel Pilgims in Madrid for World Youth Day, was clear "We're lost".

But don't worry they found a crowd and followed them! If you see them ask for a postcard to win the Pope's book.

"Arrival in Aluche to start walking to the aerodrome, after we stock up on food" (Real Hobbits!)

Stuart McCullough

Friday 19 August 2011

World Youth Day Can Start Now, We're Here!

Well here we are in Madrid, at last! We had a long wait, and a delayed flight,
but we are alive, and going to see the Pope tomorrow. I can't wait! We will be with over a million other young people, gathering as a witness to the Catholic Faith, showing the secular world that we, the young people, can and do stand up for what we believe in.

We have collected our postcards from the wrong belt(!), and we are on route to our accommodation. We are armed with Our Lady's prayers and lots of courage to battle against the atrocity that is abortion and especially 'Catholics for choice'.

(Photos, Gaelle, Johanna & Eddie awaiting delayed plane and Midnight dinner in Madrid. Do see the post below for details of how to win a copy of Light of the World)

See the World Youth Day Website here and watch the eventsy of WYD on EWTN

Gaelle Hendrickx

World Youth Day, Book Prize

These three Musketeers are on their way to Madrid now for World Youth Day. On Saturday they will start handing out Pro-Life postcards from the Good Counsel Network to anyone from the UK. So, if you are in Madrid, find Gaelle, Eddie or Johanna, ask them for a postcard, fill it in, hand it back to them or post it in and you could win a copy of Light of the World by The Holy Father.

Please re-blog, retweet, Facebook, etc this.

700 Million People Could Watch Conor of Good Counsel Play Football Tonight!

Today at 7.30pm (English time) Wembley Football Club will play some other team in the first round of the FA Cup. You can watch the game live on Facebook, by searching for Budweiser UK.

My Nephew, Conor who works for Good Counsel, should be playing as number 4. When I asked him why his match was being shown, when the first round is never normally shown he said, "I think it is news worthy this year as we are favourites to win the FA Cup." So there you have it!
As 700 Million people use Facebook, and Cardiff City are not playing today, quite a few people may watch the game!

Stuart McCullough

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Pro-Life Vigil, London Saturday 20th August

Are you pro-life? Would you like the opportunity to help stop abortions taking place in London? Could you give up a few hours this Saturday to help spread awareness in East London?


Newham Borough in East London has the highest abortion rate in the U.K. (39.9 per 1000 women) and has the sixth highest number in Europe, with 2,341 abortions taking place every year. BPAS have recently opened a new abortion centre in the area, and so the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children will be doing a pro-life outreach there on Saturday 20th August. We aim to inform the local public about the positive pro-life services available, raise awareness about exactly what is happening in the area, and campaign against the new opening. Join SPUC this Saturday as help is needed to man the stall, distribute pro-life literature and engage with the public.

Meet outside Stratford Tube Station at 10.30am. We will finish no later than 2pm. Other details are on our facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=147099005375311&view=wall¬if_t=event_wall

Hope to see you there!

Any queries please contact: 02078203140

Daniel Blackman – danielblackman@spuc.org.uk

Very happy to let you all know about this, if you cannot be there please pray and see here for other vigils. Photo is of John Smeaton of SPUC praying at a Good Counsel Vigil.

Stuart McCullough

Saturday 13 August 2011

"Very Mary" - Rescuing those being dragged to death in Canada

Proverbs 24:10-12 is clear, "Rescue those who are being dragged to death"

The radiant Mary Wagner, a Toronto pro-lifer has been arrested (again) for going inside an abortuary to counsel women seeking abortion. You can read her story here on LifeSite news.

I love her friend's comment when asked what she looked like when being arrested, “she looked very ‘Mary,’ just saintly.”

Clare McCullough

Thursday 11 August 2011

Catholic Convert Steve Ray to speak in Westminster on Saturday

Spread the word: This SaturdayFamily of Faith UK Conference
13 August 2011 - 9.30am - Westminster Cathedral Hall, SW1P 1QJ Former Protestant Evangelist and now World Renowned Catholic Convert Steve Ray will be in the UK and speaking at a Day Conference at Westminster Cathedral Hall on Saturday 13 August from 9.30-5.30. Come and hear Steve's story and his unique and lively presentation of the beauty of the Catholic Faith.

Tickets £10 in advance, £15 on the door. Contact Family of Faith Tel: 020 3286 7989 E-mail: familyoffaithuk@gmail.com. For details about the conference programme see website: www.familyoffaithuk.wordpress.com.
The Good Counsel Network will have a stall at the Conference.

Steve's website is www.catholic-convert.com.

Learn more about Steve Ray here

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