Our Lady of the Wayside

Our Lady of the Wayside
Protect Expectant Mothers and Their Babies


Friday 19 June 2020

Prayer, Adoration, Lock-down and Abortion

Saint Teresa of Calcutta said “If people spend one hour per week in Eucharistic Adoration, abortion would be ended”. Just think about that for a moment, “abortion would be ended”. Somewhere in the region of 200,000 lives would be saved every year in the UK alone.

Jesus Christ is truly present in The Blessed Sacrament and we receive Him, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity at Mass and we can really Adore Him in the Monstrance at Adoration. If we spend time praying in the physical presence of God is it any wonder that Saint Teresa said “abortion would be ended”.  Before the lock-down started we would have Eucharistic Adoration five days a week in The Good Counsel Network’s Chapel. We have now missed over 200 hours of Adoration. Thousands, maybe tens of thousands of hours of Adoration have been missed in Churches up and down the country. It is good that people are finding ways to pray online, live streamed Masses, Adoration, retreats etc. But it is not the same, it is a bit like the difference between going to visit your family and talking to them on the phone or online. We need real contact; we need to Adore God in the Blessed Sacrament.

We all have things we are waiting to see re-open as lock-down is relaxed. My wife, son and myself  have spent a bit of time in the book shops now they have re-opened. I will ‘waste’ some time watching football in due course, (according to my wife). This is all good and well and I trust you can add to the list for yourself. But let us remember that this will not end abortion. So let us be clear with a plan now, such as. ‘Now churches are re-opening, I will go and spend an hour a week in Eucharistic Adoration and if no parish near me has Adoration I will pray in front of the Tabernacle, knowing that Jesus Christ is there.’ If you have been unable to get to Confession during lock-down, go before public Masses start up again (many priests are now offering it on request).

Abortion centres have remained open during lock-down and the government have unbelievably allowed D.I.Y. abortions at home, with the abortion centres posting abortion pills to women they have never even met or examined. The abortion figures for last year are the worst on record, the even easier availability of home abortions as well as those in abortion centres during the difficult weeks of lock-down will be likely to mean this year’s figures will be even higher. We really need to make up for lost time with Our Lord as churches re-open and make up for lost ground in the fight against abortion.

The Good Counsel Network has two prayer rotas. You can join our Rosary Rota where you say a Rosary for our work once a month, we will send you the date and which Mysteries to say to ensure that we have people praying each day for the Mothers that we are helping. You can join our Adoration Rota where you agree to do an hours Adoration each week in a Church of your choosing. You can sign up for one or both of these Prayer Rotas here; https://goodcounselnet.co.uk/sign-up-for-info

Join Us In Prayer And Fasting