Our Lady of the Wayside

Our Lady of the Wayside
Protect Expectant Mothers and Their Babies


Thursday 28 February 2013

When Pro-Choice Means No Choice 16

Nadia was met at one BPAS abortuary, while being sent to another because her pregnancy was at the wrong stage for the first one she attended. She told the pavement counsellor that as a young muslim woman she would be kicked out of her family and would have no support from anyone, including her child's father.
BPAS offered: abortion'Pro-choicers' offered : to defend her right to abortion
Pro-lifers offered: moral support, friendship, support to get rehoused immediately and help to claim what she was entitled to.
Outcome: Nadia chose life for her baby. She was re-housed and got settled with a lot of friends to help her settle in. Her family did in time come around and support her, and in fact became very involved in her son's life.
Donate to support this Pro-Life work here

Thank you Pope Benedict XVI

Thank you
for Everything
Pope Benedict XVI

Faith Without Pro-Life Works

Day 13's Daily Devotional for 40 Days for Life was written by Clare McCullough of Good Counsel. This is it.

That Crisis Pregnancy Centres that will serve Our Blessed Lord faithfully will spring up around the UK, be supported by Christians and be found by all those in need.

"And if a brother or sister be naked, and want daily food: And one of you say to them: Go in peace, be ye warmed and filled; yet give them not those things that are necessary for the body, what shall it profit? So faith also, if it have not works, is dead in itself." (James 2:15-17)

The hardening of the heart and the slaughter of the innocent, both prevalent in our time are also the two signs, repeated throughout biblical history, of the imminent coming of God to man.

Therefore in these times of spiritual darkness and depravity we should have hope.

Hope is exactly the thing which we need to communicate to women outside abortuaries and in our Crisis Pregnancy Centres (CPCs), because abortion is the absolute depth of despair, or the total absence of hope. Not only must we communicate hope to this woman for her and her child's future, but we must live Christ's message of hope and help her to live it too. If we have no hope for her future, we have nothing to give her.

In the CPC apostolate it can be very tempting to lose hope when we are short of funds, using second rate office equipment, failing to meet deadlines due to shortage of staff, struggling to keep a roof over our own heads, let alone those of the mothers we serve. Still, in our struggles we have to stay full of hope if we want to help expectant mums in crisis. The support of the Christian community is vital to the mission of CPCs and their mission is vital to the pro-life movement. If we cannot witness concretely to the care we have for the mother and child, we become the hypocrites described by the apostle James. If we - who know that in welcoming a child we welcome Christ Himself - cannot give sacrificially to help a woman, how can we expect her to sacrifice to let her child live? It is not only to the child's mother that Blessed Mother Theresa's comment can refer, but to each of us, when she says: "It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish."

O Lord we pray that Your people will support their local Crisis Pregnancy Centre financially and however they can. We pray for the growth of a Godly CPC movement in our land. May these centres be a beacon of light to those in darkness and a source of strength to the weak, the vulnerable and those under pressure from loved ones and from difficult circumstances. Through Your mercy we pray that all of those in need will be reached by these centres, and given the help and support, as well as the hope that they need, to welcome their little children into their lives. In Jesus' name. Amen. Clare McCullough Good Counsel Network

Wednesday 27 February 2013

When Pro-Choice means No Choice 15

Jacquie had a very brief holiday romance during the trip of a lifetime. She was on the pill and never gave her relationship another thought when it finished. Although she was in her late 20's and quite a strong character, she had spent her life trying to win the approval of her father who had walked out on her family when she was a child. She also had some major debts and felt that having the baby would make it hard for her to pay these off and might destroy all her future plans and hopes. Although Jacquie and her mum wanted to respect this child's life, she knew her father would consider her stupid for keeping the baby in such circumstances. She met a pavement counsellor at marie stopes and came to our Centre.

Marie Stopes offered: abortion
Pro-choicers' offered : to defend her right to abortion
Pro-lifers offered: A little financial support for a short period of time, just enough to help her get to a point in her debt that was "dealable" with. Moral support and friendship as she went through her pregnancy. Prayer for her Dad and their relationship. Encouragement that she could still do the things she wanted to do and a commitment that if things went horribly wrong we could help financially.
Outcome: Jacquie had her baby. Her financial situation improved when the baby was born. Her Dad was initially critical but he loved his grandchild when she was born and also watched Jacquie acheive her goals in her career, with our support.
Donate to support this Pro-Life work here

Tuesday 26 February 2013

When Pro-Choice Means No Choice 14

Shirley came to see us after being met at a marie stopes abortion centre. She had lost her hostel place through some foolish behaviour after having too much to drink. She wasn’t a regular drinker, but she knew on this occasion she had overstepped the bounds. Her local council refused to re-house her and even when she found out she was pregnant, they still continued to say she could not be housed. Shirley doesn’t agree with abortion, but after spending a night sleeping on the street, terrified, at 6 weeks pregnant, Shirley went to her doctor and the only offer of help he could offer was abortion. So she found herself at the abortion centre.
Marie Stopes offered: abortion
Pro-choicers' offered : to defend her right to abortion
Pro-lifers offered: Free accommodation while we worked to get her accepted back into the housing system. Moral support and friendship as she went through her pregnancy.
Outcome: Shirley accepted our offer and has chosen to continue her pregnancy. She wants to join us in praying and offering help at the abortion centres.
Donate to support this Pro-Life work here

Pro-Lifers Really DO Give Double the amount Pro-"Choicers" Give During 40 Days!

Having spotted pro-death supporters in Cardiff on twitter,  planning to give money to bpas, effectively "sponsoring" each day of the 40 Days for Life Vigil and using this to donate to BPAS, please remember that we run a counter-fundraising campaign called Pro-Lifers Give Double During 40 Days for Life. This is one of our biggest fundraisers of the year, and so far Pro-lifers have doubled the efforts of our Pro-abortion friends every time the campaign has run. Although they have hundreds of donors and we may have a few of dozen, the Pro-lifers generosity has far outweighed that of our Pro-Choice friends in both the last two 40 Days for Life campaigns. Here's a reminder to please support our work during this excellent, but extremely busy and financially demanding time:

It's back - our fundraising campaign which runs during every 40 Days for Life Campaign.
During "40 Days", women are called away from the selfish act of abortion to a selfless and sacrificial acceptance of Motherhood in difficult circumstances.
Can we pro-lifers match their sacrifice?
This is why we are asking pro-lifers to give double during 40 Days for Life.
We have already had 7 turnarounds in the first 4 days of 40 Days for Life. We also had 2 turnarounds today from a Helper's of God's Precious Infants Vigil. All 9 of these women need concrete practical and financial support, and that is on top of another harvest of turnarounds just before 40 Days started as well as our normal stream of visitors seeking assistance in difficult pregnancy situations.
Can we help them?
Yes with a little support from you.
And please sign up for our 40 Days Campaigns at Whitfield St and Ealing [see here for other locations]
And do please say a prayer to the patroness of the "Pro-Lifers give double during 40 days" campaign
Thank you and God bless, Clare McCullough

Monday 25 February 2013

When Pro-Choice Means No Choice 13

Marlene came from the Phillipines and was a partly practising Catholic. She changed her mind outside the marie stopes abortuary in Whitfield St. She had been going through the abortion because though she was working here she was sending lots of money home to support her family and her long term boyfriend told her he would not support her with the baby. A good friend accompanied her to the abortuary telling her all the way there not to have the abortion. He had stopped that morning to pray beside a statue of St Edward that Marlene would not have the abortion.
When they met a pavement counsellor offering accomodation and financial support, Marlene was immediately tempted to find out more and her friend prompted her to do so.
After a chat, we were able to offer Marlene free accomodation during her pregnancy and throughout her maternity leave. This saved her the cost of rent that she would otherwise have paid for that period, meaning she could still afford her living costs.
Marie Stopes offered: abortion
'Pro-choicers' offered : to defend her right to abortion
Pro-lifers offered: Free accommodation  Moral support and friendship as she went through her pregnancy.
Outcome: Marlene accepted our offer and has chosen to continue her pregnancy. She has now had her baby and has returned to work. She is overjoyed to have her daughter and with help of one of our Counsellors has now obtained the support and encouragement of her boyfriend's family.
Donate to support this Pro-Life work here

Sunday 24 February 2013

When Pro-Choice Means No Choice 12

Maria met us during a 40 Days for Life Campaign some time back. From the moment we met her she continued to veer between the idea of aborting and planning how to keep her baby. The baby was unplanned, her relationship, though it had lasted for years, had finished a month before she had found out she was pregnant. Now her ex had come back to make sure she had the abortion.
Maria had grown up in a single parent home and didn't want the same for her child. But she hated the idea of abortion. "If only I could believe that I could do it" she said over and over again.
Maria was also still in the probation period of her new job and could not afford to survive if she lost that job.
Prayers were offered unceasingly for her, and - her story is quite famous now - not only was the abortuary closed on her next visit, but as she approached 20 weeks she panicked and re-booked her abortion, only to find - after a night of prayer from so many supporters - that the operating theatre had suffered a small fire and was unusable. We offered her lots of support and she chose to continue the pregnancy. She was delighted when she passed the 24 week limit as she felt she could no longer be put under pressure to abort.
BPAS offered: abortion
'Pro-choicers' offered : to defend her right to abortion
Pro-lifers offered moral support, friendship, practical help when the baby was born and financial support to make up for her partner withdrawing from paying his share of the rent 
Outcome: Maria chose life for her baby. Eventually he came to see a scan of their child and is now supporting her to bring up their child. She has now got a permanent position with her firm and is delighted with her child.
Donate to support this Pro-Life work here

Saturday 23 February 2013

When Pro-Choice Means No Choice 11

Elspeth is a highly skilled migrant working in the UK. She had sent out the invitations to her marriage when she found out that she was pregnant. He said that this pregnancy would be scandalous to his family’s way of thinking. She must abort he said and then when they were married they could have other children.

BPAS offered: abortion

'Pro-choicers' offered : to defend her right to abortion

 Pro-lifers offered temporary accommodation and financial support  

Outcome: Elspeth chose life for her baby, ending her relationship with her partner. Took up the temporary accommodation and eventually decided to return home, with our support. She completed a degree opened her own business, and was delighted to have kept her child.
Donate to support this Pro-Life work here

Friday 22 February 2013

When Pro-Choice Means No Choice 10

Eleanor is an eastern European woman in a violent relationship. She hasn’t worked in the UK for long enough to receive benefits and is limited in the jobs she is legally allowed to do. She sought an abortion because her boyfriend told her she must.
Marie Stopes offered: abortion
'Pro-choicers' offered : to defend her right to abortion
Pro-lifers offered: accommodation in a safe house, financial support so she could feed herself while sorting out the debts hanging over her head. Moral support and friendship as she went through her pregnancy. English lessons were provided to enable her to improve her job prospects and her life in the UK. Counselling about her violent relationship. We also found her a temporary job.
Outcome: Eleanor accepted our offer and has chosen to continue her pregnancy.
Donate to support this Pro-Life work here

Thursday 21 February 2013

When Pro-Choice Means No Choice 9

Natalie, a young English woman from an African background, chose to abort her child because she had previously been forced to abort by her Mother, and this time when she found our she was pregnant her boyfriend had abandoned her. She felt sure her Mother would be equally angry this time. She had debts and couldn’t afford to move out of home, but felt the disappointment her Mother would feel and the pressure she would put on her would be unbearable.
Marie Stopes offered: abortion
'Pro-choicers' offered : to defend her right to abortion
Pro-lifers offered: financial support and help in paying off her debts. Moral support and friendship as she went through her pregnancy. Assistance to move into her own accommodation.
Outcome: Natalie was delighted not to be forced into an abortion for a second time. She is now preparing for the birth of her baby.
Donate to support this Pro-Life work here

Wednesday 20 February 2013

When Pro-Choice Means No Choice 8

Tatiana is a young English woman, a turnaround from marie stopes. A victim of domestic violence, she fled to her family home to avoid further attacks. Getting caught between two different Councils, Tatiana had somehow been denied her right to safe housing for her and her child. Facing an unplanned pregnancy at such a time was overwhelming for her.
Marie Stopes offered: abortion
'Pro-choicers' offered : to defend her right to abortion
Pro-lifers offered legal services to ensure that she could claim her right to move to safe accommodation away from her ex-partner, as well as support to obtain a restraining order against him.
Outcome: Tatiana felt that a safe home allowed her to choose to continue her pregnancy.
Donate to support this Pro-Life work here

Tuesday 19 February 2013

40 Days for Life: A Couple that Chose Life

The stories posted so far have been from previous work the Good Counsel Network has done before 40 Days for Life. Below you can find the first account of a turnaround from this very 40 Days campaign, as told by one of our street counsellors. Please keep the couple in your prayers, together with all the other turnarounds (which are now so many, if you include the sites that we're not running, that I'm already losing count!)

"One day, at one of our vigils, a couple called Melissa and Eric came to the abortuary with their baby. I spoke to them and showed them the material I had, including the support that was available. Eric was a Catholic, and said he was against abortion but didn't have any other choice because of some problems they were having with accommodation.

It was obvious they cared about one another a great deal; they were a really nice couple! I mainly spoke with Eric, and he said 'I really love my daughter but we can't have a second child because I'm not working and then there's the accommodation problem'. I told them that we've helped many people before with similar problems. I told them that abortion would damage their relationship and that so many couples split up after having one. I encouraged them to come to the office and see a counsellor, and told them they could always return to the abortuary if they weren't happy with our help. 

Finally, I said they shouldn't rush their decision. As I told them, we see women who keep their babies and we see women who have had abortions and almost all the women who chose abortion regretted it. Melissa went inside and Eric stayed and talked to me. We had a good conversation about God and the Faith. In the end, Melissa came out and agreed to see a counsellor at our centre. After seeing a counsellor, they decided to keep their baby. They both left our centre very happy."
Donate to support this Pro-Life work here

When Pro-Choice Means No Choice 7

Miriam, a young English woman turned around at a marie stopes abortuary. She and her boyfriend had been threatened with eviction. They had a young child already and they had both been temporarily homeless when that child was born. The stress of this happening again – especially with their little child - was enough to make them feel that they could not face this pregnancy. Neither of them felt that abortion was right.
Marie Stopes offered: abortion
'Pro-choicers' offered : to defend her right to abortion
Pro-lifers offered: Legal advice and support to prevent or delay eviction while exploring other permanent housing possibilities. We also put in place two back up plans to ensure that whatever happened that Miriam would NOT become homeless again, including a concrete offer of housing from ourselves if the other options did not work out.
Outcome: Miriam and her partner agreed that they wished to continue the pregnancy – since homelessness was their main fear and they now knew this would be avoided.

Donate to support this Pro-Life work here

Monday 18 February 2013

When Pro-Choice Means No Choice 6

Iris, a Romanian woman turned away from her decision to abort outside a BPAS abortuary. She and her partner were working very long hours in a hard, very physical but also poorly paid job, trying to raise the funds to bring their young child to the UK when she found she was pregnant. She went for an abortion because she felt she would lose her job if she continued her pregnancy and then she would not be able to bring her child here.
BPAS offered: abortion
'Pro-choicers' offered : to defend her right to abortion
Pro-lifers offered: a job for her which was she could do during her pregnancy, and a better job for her partner. We also gave her help to bring her child to the UK and assistance during which will continue after the birth.
Outcome: Iris and her partner were very happy to continue their pregnancy. Hard-working and honest, they accepted our support but are also working hard to become independent of it. They are happily awaiting the birth of their child.
Donate to support this Pro-Life work here

Sunday 17 February 2013

When Pro-Choice Means No Choice 5

Nadine was a British turnaround from a marie stopes abortuary. Having had her other children taken into care by Social Services, Nadine was terrified of having an abortion.  Social Services warned her that this child too would be taken into care. Unfortunately for Nadine, though they had found no evidence of any wrong-doing on her behalf, Social Services felt that because of her own difficult childhood, Nadine was unable to protect her own children and care for them as she should.

Nadine was totally opposed to aborting but had virtually been sent to the abortuary by Social Service comments.

Marie Stopes offered: abortion

'Pro-choicers' offered : to defend her right to abortion

Pro-lifers offered: We offered her a place in a home where she would be fully supervised and supported in having and caring for her child.

Outcome: Nadine decided to go ahead with her pregnancy and is awaiting their assessment of her situation. She says that whatever happens she is glad she did not abort.
Donate to support this Pro-Life work here

Pro-Lifers Give Double During 40 Days for Life

St Philomena, Patroness of the

Dear Friends,
It's back, our fundraising campaign which runs during every 40 Days for Life Campaign.
During "40 Days", women are called away from the selfish act of abortion to a selfless and sacrificial acceptance of Motherhood in difficult circumstances.
Can we pro-lifers match their sacrifice?
This is why we are asking pro-lifers to give double during 40 Days for Life.
We have already had 7 turnarounds in the first 4 days of 40 Days for Life. We also had 2 turnarounds today from a Helper's of God's Precious Infants Vigil. All 9 of these women need concrete practical and financial support, and that is on top of another harvest of turnarounds just before 40 Days started as well as our normal stream of visitors seeking assistance in difficult pregnancy situations.
Can we help them?
Yes with a little support from you.
And please sign up for our 40 Days Campaigns at Whitfield St and Ealing
Thank you and God bless
Clare McCullough

Saturday 16 February 2013

When Pro-Choice Means No Choice 4

Beatrice met us at a marie stopes abortuary. That day, the abortion centre had been so busy, girls were sitting on the floor as there was no chairs left in the waiting room. Beatrice was East African. Trafficked into the UK by family “friends” to work for them, she was discarded by them later but they kept her passport. Beatrice wanted to keep the baby but her boyfriend withdrew all his support.

Without legal rights here Beatrice wasn’t eligible for benefits, housing or medical treatment. Homeless and with no right to work in the UK, she was sent to marie stopes as she was told there was no other option.

Marie Stopes offered: abortion

'Pro-choicers' offered : to defend her right to abortion

Pro-lifers offered housing, legal help to make a proper application for leave to remain in the UK , financial support, baby things, an opportunity to study and to get support and counselling for the suffering she had undergone when she was trafficked and afterwards. Moral support and friendship as she went through her pregnancy and beyond.

Outcome: Beatrice jumped at the chance to keep her baby. Her boyfriend later offered some support. She awaits the Home Office decision on her stay, but also has help available to her if she has to return home.
Donate to support this Pro-Life work here

Friday 15 February 2013

When Pro-Choice Means No Choice 3

Petra, a young Polish woman changed her mind when offered help outside a BPAS abortuary.
Petra was carrying a mixed race baby and had broken up with the baby's father. She was concerned about what life would be like for her baby, whether the child would be accepted by her family and so on. She also had to leave her current accomodation and wait for 6 months before being entitled to help with housing or 3 months before being entitled to benefits.
She didn't want to abort, she had asked her GP about adoption, but abortion was suggested to her as a better option
BPAS offered : abortion
'Pro-choicers' offered : to defend her right to abortion
Pro-life offered: free accomodation, a little financial support, got her a job, supported her until she was ready to move on and be eligible for other support.
Outcome: Petra was happy to have the chance to respect her child's life. She planned to give her child up for adoption, but later decided to keep the baby.

Donate to support this Pro-Life work here

Thursday 14 February 2013

When Pro-Choice Means No Choice 2

Catherine, English Turnaround. Had several previous abortions and pregnancy losses due to violent relationships. Found herself pregnant again in a similar relationship. As a student with debts she had no access to other benefits and urgently needed to move away from the violent situation. She was very unsure of what to do, but very upset that abortion seemed to be her only option, yet again. We met her at Marie Stopes. Marie Stopes offered: abortion 'Pro-choicers' offered : to defend her right to abortion Pro-lifers offered temporary accommodation while she waited to be rehoused, financial support so she could feed herself while sorting out the debts hanging over her head. Moral support and friendship as she went through her pregnancy. Outcome: Catherine felt under pressure from her circumstances to abort until she was long past the legal limit. She now has her baby and is very glad she does. She says her violent boyfriend is what impacted her life most negatively, and her baby's impact on her life has been challenging but totally positive.

Donate to support this Pro-Life work here

Wednesday 13 February 2013

When Pro-Choice Means No Choice

During the 40 Days for Life Campaigns, those who describe themselves as pro-choice frequently complain that we attend the abortuaries to harass and distress women. Because they believe in the abortion "system" they believe that marie stopes and BPAS are "unbiased" and exist to help women making difficult choices. They believe that if women are seeking alternatives to abortion that they will help them find one.
One of the reasons we stand outside the abortuaries is because we do not believe that. Over the last 16 years we have housed, financially supported and befirended hundreds of women that the abortuaries could not help. Over the next few weeks we will be telling their stories in the When Pro-Choice Means No Choice blogs. Here is the first:

Aneta, a Romanian turnaround. Working in the UK as an aupair. When she found herself pregnant despite contraception and abandoned by her boyfriend, her employer refused to help her prove she had worked here long enough to claim benefits. He also threw her out. Without documentary proof of her employment, Aneta went for an abortion to marie stopes and told them that if there was no help for her she would have to have an abortion.
We met her at marie stopes.
Marie stopes offered : abortion
'Pro-choicers' offered : to defend her right to abortion
Pro-life offered: free accomodation, financial support, free legal advice, got her a job, supported her until she qualified for other help, was working and got into stable housing.
Outcome: Aneta was very happy to have her baby and is now helping other mums to find housing and work. She now considers herself pro-life.
Clare McCullough
Donate to support this Pro-Life work here

Monday 4 February 2013

40 Days for Life this Lent, in England and now Wales!

This Lent, from February 13th - March 24th, our community will be one of many cities joining together for the largest and longest coordinated pro-life mobilization in history -- the 40 Days for Life campaign.
40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life effort that consists of:
We are praying that, with God's help, this groundbreaking effort will mark the beginning of the end of abortion in our city -- and throughout England and Wales. Here is a list of the vigils in England and Wales this Lent. Go to the website of your local vigil and click on the vigil schedule to sign up to cover some of the hours needed. 6,749 babies saved ... 27 abortion centers closed by God through 40 Days for Life!

London Whitfield Street
Eddie 07932105696 or 02077231740
Email GCNVigil@yahoo.co.uk

London Ealing
Justyna 07540286688 or 02077231740

London Bedford Square
Robert - 07947698195
Email - 40daysforlifelondon@gmail.com
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/40-Days-for-Life-London/114071638700765

Isabel - 07773501721 or Aline - 07861005895
Email - 40daysforlife.bham@gmail.com
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/?sk=events&ap=1#!/event.php?eid=158146297591490


Clare Jackson 07580275698

Leamington Spa
Eera 07801819855

John 07909 920 739
E-mail: 40d4l.mcr@cathfell.co.uk

Milton Keynes
Andy Burton 07765 884791

Email: souuk40dfl@yahoo.com

For America, Australia, Canada, Nigeria, Poland, Russia, South Africa and Spain see here.

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