I have just had my first few hours at the 40 days for life prayer vigil which is outside Marie Stopes' House. I was acting as a pavement counsellor while a small group of people prayed for the girls and their unborn children who entered the Abortion Mill. As it always seems to be when I am at an abortuary the weather was horrible, raining for most of the time I was there and cold throughout. I prayed as consistently as I could, tried to speak to as many of the girls as possible and offer them whatever support I could. I was there for nearly three hours and not one Mother changed her mind. When I left I felt a bit dejected. My efforts had no apparent effort. I was wrong.
When I arrived back at our office there was a call. It was from the counsellor who had taken over from me. She was calling to bring in a Mother who had changed her mind. She is being counselled as I write this. I did not directly speak to this woman, but my prayers and small sufferings and those of the counsellor who took over from me and the group of people praying, all offering this up the God - that changed that Mother's mind and has given the possibility of life back to her child. I now feel re-invigorated to return as soon as I can to help save many more babies' lives. I really hope you will be willing to do so too. I look forward to seeing you there. For more details please see http://www.40daysforlife.com/london/
Conor Carroll
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