Our Lady of the Wayside

Our Lady of the Wayside
Protect Expectant Mothers and Their Babies


Wednesday 29 September 2010

Do I Need A PM like Ed With So Little Time for Children?

I am pretty much apolitical, since we don't have a party that cares whether 200,000 babies are aborted or not, though I do go and vote for anyone trying to end, or in their absence, reduce the number of abortions.
However, I cannot imagine myself being able to vote for someone who was "too busy" to put his name on his son's birth certificate.
Perhaps Ed Miliband is really pro-life despite this drastic oversight? Not likely. His voting record, according to the Christian Institute includes some such gems as:

Voted for the Sexual Orientation Regulations which restrict religious liberty
Voted against reducing the abortion limit from 24 weeks in 2008
Voted against a ban on creating saviour siblings in 2008
Voted against a ban on creating animal-human hybrid embryos in 2008
Voted against keeping the requirement to consider a child's need for a father before fertility treatment in 2008
Voted against providing information and offering counselling to women considering abortion for foetal abnormality in 2008
Voted for abolishing the blasphemy laws in England and Wales

But don't take my word for it, have a look for yourself and then pray for him and why not write to him?

Clare McCullough

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