I was horrified reading the news reports on the baby who was abandoned on board a flight from Bahrain. The little boy was discovered when airplane staff saw a rubbish bag moving. He was found in the rubbish bag wrapped in tissue. He has since been named George and doctors say he is in good health despite the trauma of being discarded by his mum.
Perhaps, we can’t judge why his mother took this grim step, she may have panicked and did this against her instincts and better nature. People are lambasting the baby’s mother with judgmental tones, ‘How could a mother ever do such a thing?’
An ironic note was struck when one politician said "I was simply outraged, no infant should be treated that way." This is sanctimonious chatter and not true to reality. Infants are treated far more savagely every minute of the day here in Britain when they are dismembered by abortion. Often these infants are as independent as baby George in that they can survive outside the womb. But pro-abortion opponents still charge pro-lifers with this old subterfuge; ‘if there isn’t easily available abortion, more babies will be abandoned!’
Instead we should acknowledge that there will be more abortions and more babies abandoned if pregnant women cannot get practical and appropriate help. Firstly, emotional support is most essential so that they can avoid a situation where they will panic and do something rash such as aborting or abandoning their baby, which can be a panicked response. Further help in the form of medical and financial help and accommodation might be critical to save them from dire straits. But instead, in our society at large, has the irresponsible de facto policy of ‘offer abortion, don’t offer any necessary help, and so women feel cornered into an abortion.’ When women, against the odds, decide to keep their baby, society rejects them with a sigh and a mock them with, ‘they should have had an abortion’. So much for ‘choice’!
Mary O' Regan
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