Recently we celebrated the feast of St. Monica and the following day, the feast of St. Augustine. St Monica is a great saint, who never wearied in praying for the conversion of her son. St. Augustine, prior to his conversion was living with his girlfriend, and fathered a child with her. He was also vehemantly anti-Catholic, and had lost his faith.
St. Monica lived in a time not so disimilar to our own, where sexual immorality was rampant. Through her prayers, her son was converted, and is now venerated as one of the great Doctors of the Church. She also converted her pagan husband.
We live in a world, which has lost its moral compass; tossed by the tide of relativism, it has adopted a moral vacuum, where lawlessness and immorality rule. Young people are tragically losing their faith, barely having recieved the Sacrament of Confirmation; cohabitation has become more prevalent than the Sacrament of Marriage, and the abortions that have resulted because of this are numerous.
It is easy for us to despair if we look at the evil in the world, or see our own children lose the Catholic Faith we have taught them. However, let's take great courage and faith from St. Monica's example, who patiently suffered and continued to pray for her son's conversion, when from a human perspective all seemed hopeless. God hears our prayers and tears for those who have lost their faith, and are not leading good Christian lives, and He forgives His prodigal sons and daughters and there is great rejoicing in Heaven.
Let's pray the rosary every day for our loved ones who have lost their faith, and for all sinners, that Our Lady will wrap them in Her Immaculate Mantle of protection, and lead them to the Most Merciful Heart of her Beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
St. Monica lived in a time not so disimilar to our own, where sexual immorality was rampant. Through her prayers, her son was converted, and is now venerated as one of the great Doctors of the Church. She also converted her pagan husband.
We live in a world, which has lost its moral compass; tossed by the tide of relativism, it has adopted a moral vacuum, where lawlessness and immorality rule. Young people are tragically losing their faith, barely having recieved the Sacrament of Confirmation; cohabitation has become more prevalent than the Sacrament of Marriage, and the abortions that have resulted because of this are numerous.
It is easy for us to despair if we look at the evil in the world, or see our own children lose the Catholic Faith we have taught them. However, let's take great courage and faith from St. Monica's example, who patiently suffered and continued to pray for her son's conversion, when from a human perspective all seemed hopeless. God hears our prayers and tears for those who have lost their faith, and are not leading good Christian lives, and He forgives His prodigal sons and daughters and there is great rejoicing in Heaven.
Let's pray the rosary every day for our loved ones who have lost their faith, and for all sinners, that Our Lady will wrap them in Her Immaculate Mantle of protection, and lead them to the Most Merciful Heart of her Beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
James Coulborn
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