Our Lady of the Wayside

Our Lady of the Wayside
Protect Expectant Mothers and Their Babies


Wednesday 16 June 2010

On the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Friday 11th June marked the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and was also the day chosen by Pope Benedict to end the Year for Priests.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus embodies the heart of our Catholic faith. God shared our humanity in His Son, Jesus Christ. Our Lord suffered enormously during His earthly life. He took on our wounds and sins upon Himself, whilst remaining sinless, and died a most horrendous barbaric death on the cross, and rose from death three days later.

We are all sinners, wounded and broken, and yet Our Lord's death on the cross, and His defeat of death through His Resurrection, shows us His infinite love for us. God desires above all that we trust in His love and mercy for us, that despite our brokeness, our sins and wounds, inflicted by others and by ourselves, He will purify us and save us.

Confession, or also known as the Sacrament of Reconciliation is an invitation for us all to confess our brokeness, our sins and above all our inability to strive for holiness alone. Through confession, God embraces us with His infinite mercy. God loves us so much and His love is unconditional. No sin is to big for Him, even the sin of abortion. God takes away all feelings of guilt, hurt, betrayal, shame and fear, through this wonderful Sacrament. The slate is wiped clean, though our sins be as scarlet they shall be whiter than snow.

As it said in the Communion Rite on the Feast of the Sacred Heart:

"The Lord says: If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me: whoever believes in me, let him drink, streams of living water shall flow out from within him. " (John 7: 37-38)

Let us take great courage and hope from Our Lord's words. He loves us so much. His Sacred Heart desires all of us to be saved.Our mother, whose feast day was Saturday 12th June,the "Immaculate Heart of Mary", will draw us ever closer to her Sons Sacred Heart so that we will have "streams of living water flowing from within us" and Our Lord through his Holy Spirit will draw all of mankind to Himself.
James Coulborn

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