Our Lady of the Wayside

Our Lady of the Wayside
Protect Expectant Mothers and Their Babies


Monday 27 February 2023

40 Days Celebrating Mums Choosing Life Day 6:Celebrating Mothers & the Pro-Life Pregnancy Centres Which Assist Them


One year during the 40 Days for Life Campaign we got a call from an expectant Mum, Stella, who somehow had got through to us while trying to phone Marie Stopes abortion centre. We explained who we were - a pregnancy centre which only offers life-affirming help and support to women in difficult pregnancies and their children - and she told us that she had an appointment with Marie Stopes for an abortion the next day. She did not want to have an abortion but did not know what to do. She had two older children and was trying to keep out of the way of her ex partner who had been physically abusive. Then she found out she was pregnant with his child. Abortion seemed to be the only way out. But she was not happy about it.
So she begged us to visit her that night. She had no childcare available and had her two young sons with her all evening and the abortion was early the following day. If we couldn't come to her, she had no chance of hearing about alternatives to abortion.
I agreed to come and went with a volunteer to offer her help and alternatives, including getting her support to keep herself and her children safe from her ex. 
As Providence would have it, Stella was half German and half Polish and the volunteer who came with me was from an identical background to her. As we sat down to talk with her, we noticed a small statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. We two Catholics silently asked the intercession of the Mother of God.
We were able to offer her a simple but very useful package of help, support and advice. We left late that evening and prayed some more.
We didn't hear from her for hours after her appointment time the next day, but when she called she said  "I could not go through with it and I am so glad you have real help for me." 
Stella kept her baby and some months later delivered her first daughter with joy. She has remained forever grateful for the help we were able to offer.

Pro-Life Pregnancy Centres provide unique support for expectant mums

The BBCs Panorama Programme (27th Feb) attacked Pro-Life Pregnancy Centres.
They accuse us of lying, giving false medical information, manipulating women by giving scans and being biased in our views on abortion.
While the medical establishment try to claim that risks from abortion are minor, that post-abortion trauma doesn't exist, that no-one is at risk of severe complications following abortion, remember that the whole minefield of abortion complications has been totally skewed by lies which abound in the pro-abortion culture we live in. Thousands of post-abortive women we have served have stories to tell that back up the reality of the physical and mental trauma of abortion. Ultrasound scans don't lie and showing women their own babies in the womb is arming them with facts, not manipulating them! Lastly no-one is unbiased on abortion, not us nor the abortion providers, but pro-life centres don't claim to be. Abortion centres -which make hundreds of thousands of pounds from abortion - continually try to present themselves as "neutral" and unbiased.
Finally think of women like Stella. Abortion centres have nothing to offer her but the death of her child! They won't be going to her home at the last minute to answer her desperate plea for help to let her child live.
Please support your local pro-life Pregnancy Centre.

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