Thine eyes have seen my
unformed substance;
And in thine book they were
all written,
The days that were ordained
for me,
When as yet there was not one
of them.
(Psalm 139: 13-16)
unformed substance;
And in thine book they were
all written,
The days that were ordained
for me,
When as yet there was not one
of them.
(Psalm 139: 13-16)
This beautiful passage illustrates God’s intimate relationship with every being He creates and the unique purpose we have each been created for. Bible passages such as Psalm 139 inspire me to seek to protect the unborn and tell others of the sanctity of human life.
Abortion should never feel like a woman’s only choice which is why I believe prayer, spreading a pro-life message and extending a hand of love and support to women faced with a pregnancy they
feel unable to cope with is so important. Human life is precious, both the mother's and the unborn baby’s, therefore it is vital that the physical and mental wellbeing of women is protected as well as the life of the voiceless unborn. I feel that women have the right to know about the horrors of abortion and need to be given back the freedom that the abortion industry cruelly
snatches away from them. They need to know that there are other options, and that with the right help and support, the can choose life for their baby. The promotion of a culture of life is crucial so as to overshadow the culture of death destroying society today. This is why I am pro-life.
Having been adopted when I was 15 months old I am forever grateful that my birth mother chose life for me. She was only sixteen when she discovered she was pregnant with me and the
circumstances were difficult. I could have been a victim of abortion and yet she chose the loving and selfless option of adoption. Having met many adoptive parents and adopted children I know what an amazing gift a child can be to a family who choose to adopt. My personal experiences and my faith contribute to my strong pro-life convictions and desire to work in the pro-life movement.
Stephanie Barnes
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