As we have blogged about recently, we have had a great increase in clients in the first quarter of this year. Many have come to us very set on abortion, but by God's grace we have already seen many "turnarounds" this year, where girls have opened their heart to their baby and chosen life instead. Add to this the girls changing their minds at our Whitfield St abortuary Vigil and then the turnarounds from 40 Days for Life at Bedford Square abortuary and you will see why we are run off our feet!
In the last week we have seen a lot of very broken women. 3 girls that we spoke to had between them a total of 14 previous abortions. It takes something to move from that lifestyle to one of acknowledging the sanctity of their baby's life. These ladies can be absolutely terrified to face their pregnancy and the baby it will bring them, because they know it will force them too deal with the previous abortions too and the thought of that is simply overwhelmingly unbearable.
Please keep these ladies in your prayers. And please remember our appeal for babygoods and newborn clothes. We especially need boys clothes 0-6 months and light buggies but ones which are suitable for newborns (i.e. they lie flat). We need 2 twin buggies at present - the one in front of the other tandam type, not side by side twins as women can't get them on the bus - their main form of transfer. For more information on what we need click here, and please spread the word.
Lastly, if you or someone you know are suffering after an abortion, click here to call us for one-to-one counselling or to get a number for ARCH telephone counselling or Rachel's Vineyard weekend Retreats.
Clare McCullough
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