I had the 8am slot and on my arrival at the abortuary with a few other souls, we saw about 7 staff members arrive and a van pull up in front of the building. Today was apparently a "Resuscitation Training Day" according to the wording of the van parked outside (see the picture above). It's amazing that such a "safe", "legal" procedure should require such training.

One Deacon, Deacon Tsegaye shown in the photo above with volunteer Johanna Hendrickx and two Priests, Fr Mark Swires and Fr Michael Dunne attended.
We managed to staff the Vigil all day with pavement counsellors and pray-ers till about 5.30 and then were helped out by various attendees to complete the day. The "gentleman" who walks past twice a day and spits in to the gutter each time, looking venomously at us first has kindly developed a routine of walking past the counsellors in the morning and the pray-ers in the evening - wanting to share his blessings out between us no doubt. A deeply ponderous young man came and applauded our efforts to offer help while insisting that abortion sometimes is for the best - he had a brother who became severely mentally and physically disabled and lived a life of deep suffering. Please pray for him.
Today was a National Day of Prayer and Fasting too, it was nice to think people were fasting for the end of abortion today while we were at the abortuary.
The Daily Mail kindly showed up to interview some of our Counsellors and Pray-ers. And the day ended with a lovely Irish gentleman, Liam, who was at the Vigil getting offered free teas and coffees for all of us by a friend in a nearby cafe. Liam's wife, Paivi, died a year ago tomorrow, 28th October (feast of St Jude) please remember her in your prayers.
We also managed to label and deliver 200, 10-12 week old baby models for distribution in the packs given out at the screening of Blood Money.
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