Recently I became aware of the terrible fire at an animal breeding centre in Okehampton, Devon a couple of weeks ago, which tragically killed over 1,000 pets, mainly guinea pigs. There was a massive out-crying of sadness particularly in the local area, which I could empathise with.
Last year some of the major papers ran a story with full double page computer generated pictures of unborn animals (see the 'unborn elephant' shown above), calling for greater rights for animals in the womb of their parents.
There is only one question which springs to mind when I hear of stories like this. Yes, it's terrible that more than 1,000 pets died in a fire which may even have been an arson attack, and maybe animals should be protected in the womb, that is not for me to judge, BUT WHY can people not see the bigger picture? Why can they not see that in England and Wales more than 700 little unborn children are massacred every day (even Sundays) of the year?
Organisations such as the RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds), according to their own website, have over 1,000,000 members and for 2007 had £78.6 million to spend. Why do these people and people like them who care so strongly about the life of birds and animals not see what is going on in private Abortuaries and Public Hospitals with our taxes?
The Unborn lives of this country need to be protected much more so than any other creatures. We know that we have the supportof Almighty God, as our Lord says in Matthew 6:26 “
"Behold the birds of the air, for they neither sow, nor do they reap, nor gather into barns: and your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are not you of much more value than they?"
So let us trust in Him and continue to ask for His strength in our continual battle for Life.
Last year some of the major papers ran a story with full double page computer generated pictures of unborn animals (see the 'unborn elephant' shown above), calling for greater rights for animals in the womb of their parents.
There is only one question which springs to mind when I hear of stories like this. Yes, it's terrible that more than 1,000 pets died in a fire which may even have been an arson attack, and maybe animals should be protected in the womb, that is not for me to judge, BUT WHY can people not see the bigger picture? Why can they not see that in England and Wales more than 700 little unborn children are massacred every day (even Sundays) of the year?
Organisations such as the RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds), according to their own website, have over 1,000,000 members and for 2007 had £78.6 million to spend. Why do these people and people like them who care so strongly about the life of birds and animals not see what is going on in private Abortuaries and Public Hospitals with our taxes?
The Unborn lives of this country need to be protected much more so than any other creatures. We know that we have the supportof Almighty God, as our Lord says in Matthew 6:26 “
"Behold the birds of the air, for they neither sow, nor do they reap, nor gather into barns: and your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are not you of much more value than they?"
So let us trust in Him and continue to ask for His strength in our continual battle for Life.
Conor Carroll
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