A supporter of BPAS has set up a fundraising page called Boycott 40 Days for Life where pro-abortionists donate for each hour or day that 40 Days witnesses outside BPAS Central London abortuary. They are now approaching their fundraising target of £4,000 by 1st April, they have
raised over £3,000 so far. The intention is to deter 40 Days Vigillers by making them feel that their presence is raising money for the abortuary.
We are asking you to show women in need that pro-lifers care more for their Crisis Pregnancy Centres by donating double the total BPAS raise to Good Counsel.
As we blogged about last March, we have had a FIVE-FOLD increase in women coming to
us and receiving support instead of aborting. But we haven't had as great an increase in support in that time, we have had a drop in income, with the recession and higher living costs. We cannot survive this, and financially we are on the brink of disaster, so please support our
appeal, 'Pro-Lifers Give Double' today and help us raise £8,000 by 1st April.
us and receiving support instead of aborting. But we haven't had as great an increase in support in that time, we have had a drop in income, with the recession and higher living costs. We cannot survive this, and financially we are on the brink of disaster, so please support our
appeal, 'Pro-Lifers Give Double' today and help us raise £8,000 by 1st April.
Find all the options for donating here on our website including online donations. Direct transfers, the quickest way of donating can be made to:
Sort code: 23 – 83 – 95 Account no: 00287036
and cheques made payable to THE GUILD OF OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL can be posted to GCN, PO Box 46679, LONDON, NW9 8ZT
You can also support us via http://www.justgiving.com/Pro-LifersGiveDouble page. This is not the fastest way to give. But we will be logging all the donations received there, so check in to see how generous pro-lifers really are!
Lastly, you can give by text message. Just text the code MQYD73 followed by £ and the amount you wish to donate (eg MQYD73 £1 if you want to donate £1) and send it to 70070.
As well as supporting our work financially, your donation will show your moral support for the peaceful, prayerful 40 Days Vigil. And will allow us to financially support 3 of the 4 turnarounds (the 4th did not need financial help when she chose life) they have had during this campaign so far. It will also prove the truth of the Title of this blog! So please help if you can and please spread the word.
Please attend the 40 Days Vigil if you can. Why not attend on Friday 30th March to support Bishop Hopes who will be there from 7pm - 8.30pm. The BPAS abortuary is at 26-27
Bedford Square, London, WC1B 3HP. Nearest tubes are Tottenham Court Rd or Goodge St.
Bedford Square, London, WC1B 3HP. Nearest tubes are Tottenham Court Rd or Goodge St.
Many thanks, Clare McCullough
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