Our beautiful little Chapel seats 12, and a few can sit in the library which the Chapel doors can open out into. The Sanctuary is quite full when we have a Priest and one server. Then on Friday 1st October at 5pm Fr Tim Finigan sang an Old Rite Votive Mass of The Sacred Heart!
Dr John Tennant, of the St Catherine's Trust , was the choir, Paul Smeaton was Master of Ceremonies, James Coulborn was thurifer, while Declan Carroll and myself were Acolytes.
That was quite a crowd for our chapel, and then about 15 of the faithful came to Mass instead of the 8 or so that I was expecting! It was splendid. Our Chapel has not seen that much incense since the time when Fr X forgot where he was, when exposing the Blessed Sacrament for Adoration one day after Mass and "shovelled" in enough to fill St Peter's.
Friday's Mass was followed by all-night Adoration which finished with Benediction & Mass at 6am on the Saturday morning.
The photo was taken at the start of the Gospel.
Stuart McCullough
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