
Tuesday, 7 March 2023

Why the Prayer must be right *there* : 40 Days of Celebrating Mums Choosing Life Day 14


A woman - I will call her "Nadine" - stopped to talk to our vigil volunteers a couple of weeks ago, she had gone to Ealing Marie Stopes abortion centre in 1999 and she met a lady praying outside. After speaking with them, she chose to keep her baby. He's a grown up now and has a great job and a great life and she is very happy about her decision. She said the thing the woman did that changed everything was simply that she said a prayer with her. Nadine is a Catholic, and that moment and the moral support it represented, allowed her to take some time to think about what she wanted to do. No-one else supported her, just this woman, standing out in the cold, praying with her. Her life was not easy for the next few years, she gave up many things for her son, but later got the chance to do many other things she loved instead. She said she had had a wonderful life with her son. While local Councils are banning people for thinking prayers in their heads outside abortion centres, I am thinking of and praying for women like Nadine, who have no-one to pray for them as they are pushed to abort their children.

Not *all* or even *most* women going for abortions are aggresive atheists who despise the sight of Christians praying for them and their children. Even if many of our MPs seemingly are.

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