
Wednesday, 1 March 2023

40 Days of Celebrating Mums Choosing Life Day 8: What Will Become of Our Children?


People often say to pro-life pregnancy centre staff, "It's all very well you encouraging women to keep their babies, but just giving them a few packs of nappies won't be much help. Are you going to support them for 18 years and are you going to solve all the social problems they have?"

Firstly, I have never, ever assisted a mum who wanted (or needed) 18 years support from us or any other organisation in raising their children. However the help we do have is a brilliant combination of generous, pro-life supporters donating, women-to women friendship, think-outside-the-box solutions, years of experience and really listening to women. Our support doesn't have an automatic cut-off point and the amount of support is tailored to each woman's needs. Some women we assist move on with their lives after a while, but also know that in bad times they can turn to us for emergency support.

Many Mothers we see will cope very well once they have sailed through rough patches or difficult circumstance. However, some Mothers have ongoing issues from housing to addiction, debt to domestic violence, children with disabilities, health issues and so on. In these cases we make good use of the services which already exist to help women, but we can support women in getting help if they are rejected, waiting too long or sidelined. We become their allies in fighting for the support they should have. Additionally, we are often able to top-up the support they get, so that in terms of their circumstances they become better off rather than worse off through keeping their baby.

What does become of their children? After 26 years of working in this field we are beginning to see what does happen to them. The first group of doctors and lawyers have qualified in the last few years. Others have got married, had children of their own, are still studying, some are working. All of them have in common the fact that they have been prayed for since their Mother carried them in the womb and their Mums have always had us to fall back on in times of trouble. God bless these beautiful children and young adults, may God hold them in the palm of His hand.

Help us reach out to Mothers with prayer, help and support by attending the 40 Days for Life Vigil near you. We are running one in Brixton, please contact Gabriella for details on 07745711064. Or find your nearest 40 Days for Life campaign here Donate to help us support Mothers in need here 

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