
Thursday, 23 February 2023

40 Days of Celebrating Mums Choosing Life Day 2


As we continue to pray for an end to abortion, especially through our public witness and prayer and fasting during 40 Days for Life, today let's celebrate Susan, who chose life for her baby this week after seeing a scan. She had been under pressure from her family and boyfriend to abort, but asked us to get a scan for her. She was delighted to see her baby and learn about the help and support we can offer her. She had been heading to the Ealing abortion centre but is now planning to keep her baby. Please keep Susan in your prayers throughout lent.

You can help to save more lives through prayer and witness at 40 Days for Life. Sign up to join our Brixton (South London) vigil by calling the Vigil Leader, Gabriella on 07745711064. Or go to to sign up for other vigils around the UK.

You can help us to help other mums like Susan with financial support by donating to our work here.

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