
Saturday, 20 August 2011

And Then It Rained On Our Pro-Life Pilgrims, And Everyone Else

So, the already weary travellers begin their journey. With our flawless Spanish and engaging personalities, locals have been jumping at the chance to guide us on our desperate quest for cheapish food, er I mean to get to see the Pope. After some hopeless bumbling around the Plaza Del Sol, asking for about an hour, we decided to set off and gloriously begin the pilgrims march to the aerodrome to see the Pope.

Despite being suffocated with WYD volunteers, no one was able to tell us which direction we could walk to the aerodrome, and so we ended up taking train.

After hours of wearisome travel , we finally arrived, only to be booted to the back of the field as our spaces were full. Nonetheless, the excitement in the air is evidence enough to show that no matter what is thrown in the way, the love for Papa and for the Church, the Body of Christ, conquers all.

[Just after we recieved this it started to rain and rain and rain at Cuatro Vientos, which I'm told means Four Winds! Still look out for the wet Good Counsel Network postcards for the chance to win a dry copy of the Holy Father's book]

Johanna Hendrickx

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