
Saturday 16 April 2011

Botched Abortion Driftwood

Perhaps its because we are meeting more women immediately after their abortions through both our own Whitfield St abortuary Vigil and the Forty Days for Life Vigil at Bedford Square, but it suddenly seems as though we are meeting more and more victims of botched abortions. These women are like driftwood washed up on the shore. No-one seems to know what to do with them, the abortuary fobs them off, the NHS seems embarrassed - and no wonder since they are in bed with bothe BPAS and Marie Stopes. Sadly there is no bank of Pro-Life doctors or nurses, surgeons or gynecologists to turn to for help. Though there are some good pro-life doctors out there, they have usually avoided gynecology and obstetrics in order to avoid abortion and so few if any are specialists in the fields we need them in.

Just recently we have seen a number of these women in special need. Una who took the abortion pill but found herself still pregnant - perhaps because the scan done at the abortuary was 2 weeks out in dating her baby. Sandra who had a surgical abortion but was told by the abortuary that it was a "missed abortion" - i.e. she is probably still pregnant. Pamela who had an abortion, was told by the abortuary a fortnight later that everything was gone, but who later had to have a suction "procedure" to remove tissue from the womb.

Additionally complications of abortion arise when women are not offered all the facts and real life-giving choices beforehand. Kate, a victim of rape who was shuttled through an abortion at the speed of light without an offer of any alternative help, panicked after taking the first pill, recognised that abortion is wrong and changed her "choice" - she is still waiting to see if her baby will survive.

These are just a handful of the women we have seen recently. How many more are coping with these horrible situations, without good medical care and without support?

Please pray for these women - the driftwood remains of a holocaust - their suffering is tremendous. May God save the lives of their babies where there is still a chance of this, and the souls of the Mothers and those who performed the abortions on them.

Clare McCullough

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