
Friday, 6 August 2010

St Felicissimus, Ora Pro Nobis!

The 6th of August is the feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ, it is also, in the old calendar, the feast of a number of martyrs. St Felicissimus, a deacon, was decapitated along with his fellow deacon St Agapitus in the year 258 during the persecution of Decius. Their feast day now falls on the 7th August and early on that morning their Holy Mass will be offered in the Good Counsel Network's Chapel. As we have an old rite Mass on the Friday, they will also be commemorated then. It is quite appropriate to be having both of these Masses as we have a relic of St Felicissimus in our altar. He died witnessing to the truth of the Catholic faith in a decadent pagan era where politicians believed they had the right to dictate right from wrong.
It is ironic to think that more than seventeen hundred years later in a decadent neo pagan Britain we are still faced with a constant onslaught of liberal politicians, along with those within and outside the Church, who demand that we deny the truths of the faith. Whether it is same sex couples adopting, abortion on demand or sex education for five year olds, Catholics must be prepared for martyrdom just as St Felicissimus was in his day.

Stuart McCullough

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