
Saturday, 5 June 2010

St George, Slay Our Dragon!

The 2010 world cup is a great opportunity to end Abortion in England. We will have at least two weeks of the country, cars, vans, people and anything and else (that moves or not) being bedecked with the flag of St George.

One of our supporters, Pat Sammon, has for a number of years suggested that we take advantage of this and use it as a powerful reminder to pray for the Conversion of England and the end of abortion here. Readers from other countries could no doubt apply the same idea with their own national flags.

Pat's idea is that we say a short prayer every time we see this flag. We would therefore ask you to say the following prayer wherever you see the St George Flag.

Great St George, Patron of England,

slay the dragon of Abortion

and give Mary back her dowry.

Good Counsel have printed a small prayer card, copies of which can be sent to you if you email us your snailmail address or 020 7723 1740

Stuart McCullough

1 comment:

  1. I think it's significant that the IPPF has marked the world cup by sending shedloads of condoms to South Africa - the message being that the travails of most of its inhabitants are due to their being too many, too poor and too black.
