
Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Life at the Good Counsel Network.

I like to start the day by going into the Chapel to say a small prayer to ask God for His guidance to do His will. It's not always possible if the phone starts ringing before I get there but I prefer to do this . Most days there will be alot of multi-tasking such as thanking our supporters by hand, updating our database and mailing list, answering the Centre phone, booking in appointments for mothers we are helping and for new clients. There is also helping with the mothers queries and passing on messages. As I am on reception I do greet the clients and mothers and their children and make them tea and coffee etc. I also do a bit of typing and photocopying where necessary. I help with the mail-outs when necessary.

Its great that we have our Chapel and I can look forward to going to Mass almost every day that I am there, usually three days a week. And then we have Adoration frequently so it's a great blessing to be able to attend Mass and Adoration in the same day (if there is someone to cover the phone and reception while Im in the Chapel). I like to pray especially for our work and the mums in need that we help and especially for those who are seeking abortion that their precious babies will be saved, and for the conversion of their parents.

The busiest times are the monthly Mother's Meetings when all the mums are invited to attend with their children. Its good that we can hire a hall nearby now, so that there is plenty of room for the children to play. We often get given lots of toys and baby goods so we have been distributing them to the mums at the meetings. I remember one Christmas arriving at the door when there were so many mums already waiting, they had come early very keen to get to our Centre on time. They really look forward to it and it's great to see so many of them making friends and helping each other in any way that they can. We always have Mass for them to attend after a guest speaker talks to them usually about religious topics. After Mass we serve them with lunch and then they have the opportunity to chat among themselves, or to speak to an Advisor. Gifts are given and we try to make sure everyone has something to go home with. There are nice, special gifts at Christmas donated by supporters and by the Good Counsel. It's really good to see them having a nice time and enjoying themselves together with their children and with ourselves.
Lorraine Coyne

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